Regular Meeting March 28, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisor Greg Smith, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Clerk Duane Ruona and Treasurer Sue Kern were sworn in following their election at the March 14, 2017 Annual Meeting.
Paul Virnig was not in attendance about the survey question on his property.
Captain Scott Goddard from the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Office was in attendance. He reported on current activities.
The Law Enforcement Center is undergoing major remodeling to alleviate space problems. The jail consists of 6 pods with a
maximum capacity of 286 inmates. The current population is 233. There are 78 inmates from the Department of Corrections
and Cass County rents 60 beds at this time. In 2016 there were 140,958 E911 phone calls. The Take it to the Box program
has been successful. This is the ability for prescription drugs to be dropped off at local police departments. The tip411
program is the ability to make anonymous tips to the Sheriff Department by texting TIPCW plus your tip to 847411. The township
can request flashing speed signs to be put out in areas where people are speeding. Squad car videos are used now because
there are fewer questions about incidents when they finally get to the courts. The Sheriff Department is staffed for a population
of 62,500. Crow Wing County has a huge transient population and on weekends the number can reach 162,500. On Nationals weekend
there are an additional 100,000 people in the area. The Sheriff Department also has two Transport Officers that travel all
the time. The department is also involved in ice rescues.
Chad Knudson from Wild Rice Depot was present for their liquor license renewal. A motion to approve the liquor license
for Wild Rice Liquors was made by Greg, seconded by Mark. Motion passed.
Mark will be retiring from Central Lakes College and moving out of the township in the near future and a replacement for
his position is needed. After much discussion it was decided that the position will be discussed with Doug Kern. The appointed
person will have to be approved by the Board after Mark leaves his Supervisor position.
Gerry and Linda Schuety brought up the issue of full dumpsters before the recycling Saturdays. The clerk will contact
Waste Management about other pick up options. The issue of people plowing snow across the road and leaving windrows that
become a hazard was discussed.
Property violations were discussed. Wade Tomberlin's property will be coming up for another inspection this spring.
Greg will talk to Justin about the vehicles belonging to Dale Dillon that are parked on the Peterson property. There has
been no cleanup work done at the Neelan property. Wesley Juaire called to inform the Board that he was working on the property
cleanup today. It appears that there is more stuff being brought onto the Jamie Markuson property.
Expert Insulation has insulation blowing around their property as well as the ditch and neighboring properties. A letter
will be sent asking them to clean it up.
Treasurer's report, claims and payroll were reviewed and approved. Greg asked about the duplication of the tickets for
salt sand from the county. Brad Gorron is sending copies of each ticket to Sue and the county is sending another copy with
the bill. Greg made a motion to approve the three donations that the citizens recommended at the annual meeting. Mark seconded,
motion passed. A letter will be sent to the organizations whose donations were not approved. They will be advised to send
a representative to next year's annual meeting if they request a donation.
The Planning Commission report included rezoning application 14-4475 to reclassify a 35 acre tract and a 40 acre tract
from Agricultural/Forestry to rural Residential 2.5 at 9680 St. Mathias Road owned by Steven Marolt.
The following findings of fact were recommended by the Planning Commission:
1. The subject properties are located at 9680 St. Mathias Rd and are currently zoned Agricultural/Forestry.
2. The subject properties consist of a 35 acre tract (PIN 540142300B00009) containing a single family dwelling and multiple
accessory structures and a 40 acre tract (PIN 540142400000009) which does not contain any structures.
3. The subject properties are suitable for development in general conformance with the “Rural Residential 2.5
land use district.
4. The reclassification will not alter the character of the properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject property.
5. The reclassification will not impact the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.
6. The subject properties meet the minimum lot requirements of the “Rural Residential 2.5 land use district.
7. The rezoning of the property will not create any non-conforming structures.
8. The subject properties are adjacent to other Rural Residential 2.5 property (north), “Agricultural/Forestry
property (north, south, east & west) and Public property (south).
9. Rezoning of the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan as the future land use map identifies the subject
property as Medium Density Residential.
The property owner has indicated the subject property contains a cesspool and it has not been inspected recently. Mr.
Marolt has stated that he wishes to replace the existing sewer system on the property instead of having it inspected (it would
likely fail). An SSTS design has been created for a new system but it has not been applied for.
The Planning Commission recommends the proposed reclassification is consistent with the standards of the land use ordinance
and the comprehensive plan and be approved contingent on the replacement SSTS being applied for and installed by December
11, 2017 OR the existing system being inspected by June 1, 2017 (property owner shall sign the winter window agreement).
Greg made a motion to approve Rezoning Application 17-4475 to reclassify a 35 acre tract and a 40 acre tract from Agricultural/Forestry
to rural Residential 2.5 at 9680 St. Mathias Road owned by Steven Marolt contingent on the replacement SSTS being applied
for and installed by December 11, 2017 OR the existing system being inspected by June 1, 2017. Mark seconded, motion passed.
The clerk will notify Justin of the approval.
Road issues were discussed. Anderson Brothers will be doing the crack sealing this spring. There is a drainage issue
on Atwater Court. There is a leaning tree on 50th Avenue that needs to be cut down. The salt sand remaining on the roads
needs to be removed.
Mark made a motion to have Doug Kern attend a MAT Spring Short Course for newly elected officials at Carlton on April
7, 2017. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Correspondence was reviewed. Census Bureau forms will be completed and sent. The address error from Google for American
Door Service needs to be addressed by the business. The clerk will send a letter to that effect.
Mark made a motion for Greg Smith to serve as chairman and Dave Schultz as Vice Chairman. Greg seconded the motion, motion
The other reorganizational items will be addressed at the next Town Board meeting where all three supervisors will be
A quote was received from Anderson Brothers Construction for additional work on 50th Avenue, Wetherbee Road, and Cook
Road in the amount of $8,156.61 that was not included in the original quote was reviewed. Mark made a motion to accept the
quote from Anderson Brothers. Greg seconded, motion passed.
The board examined the minutes from February 28, 2017. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes. Mark seconded. Motion
The AWAIR and joint Planning Commission/Town Board meeting will be held at 5:30 PM on April 11, 2017.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.