Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting March 13, 2017 6:00pm
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Linda Schuety, Dan Lee, Doug Kern, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Greg Smith (Township Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk)
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Continuation of the public hearing on Rezoning Application 17-4475 to reclassify a 35 acre tract and a 40 acre tract from
Agricultural/Forestry to rural Residential 2.5 at 9680 St. Mathias Road owned by Steven Marolt was held.
Staff offered the following findings for consideration by the Planning Commission:
1. The subject properties are located at 9680 St. Mathias Rd and are currently zoned Agricultural/Forestry.
2. The subject properties consist of a 35 acre tract (PIN 540142300B00009) containing a single family dwelling and multiple
accessory structures and a 40 acre tract (PIN 540142400000009) which does not contain any structures.
3. The subject properties are suitable for development in general conformance with the Rural Residential 2.5 land use
4. The reclassification will not alter the character of the properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject property.
5. The reclassification will not impact the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.
6. The subject properties meet the minimum lot requirements of the Rural Residential 2.5 land use district.
7. The rezoning of the property will not create any non-conforming structures.
8. The subject properties are adjacent to other Rural Residential 2.5 property (north), Agricultural/Forestry property
(north, south, east & west) and Public property (south).
9. Rezoning of the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan as the future land use map identifies the subject
property as Medium Density Residential.
Staff Recommendation: The proposed reclassification is consistent with the standards of the land use ordinance and the
comprehensive plan.
The property owner has indicated the subject property contains a cesspool and it has not been inspected recently. Mr.
Marolt has stated that he wishes to replace the existing sewer system on the property instead of having it inspected (it would
likely fail). An SSTS design has been created for a new system but it has not been applied for.
Staff recommends the application be approved contingent on the replacement SSTS being applied for and installed by December
11, 2017 OR the existing system being inspected by June 1, 2017 (property owner shall sign the winter window agreement).
Linda made a motion to recommend to the Town Board the approval of Rezoning Application 17-4475 to reclassify a 35 acre
tract and a 40 acre tract from Agricultural/Forestry to rural Residential 2.5 at 9680 St. Mathias Road owned by Steven Marolt
contingent on the replacement SSTS being applied for and installed by December 11, 2017 OR the existing system being inspected
by June 1, 2017. Dan seconded, motion passed. Justin will notify Steven Marolt that the Town Board will address the issue
at the March, 28, 2017 regular meeting.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Open forum. The question of the legality of taking pictures of private property was discussed. Pictures are allowed
from the Right-of-Way. Greg suggested that pictures be taken before the leaves are on the trees to document the areas that
are currently in violation. There does not appear to be any cleanup activity going on at any of those locations. Justin
asked that it be asked at the annual meeting if the residents want to budget for violation enforcement. Brad said it has
been brought up at previous annual meetings but no response was received.
Justin gave an overview of the 2016 P&Z activity. There were 34 land use permits issued in 2016 compared to 27 in
2015, 24 in 2014, 25 in 2013, and 25 in 2012. Of the 34 permits, 10 were single family dwellings, one commercial business
and land use permit revenue was $13,625. There were 13 sewer systems permits and one subdivision permit issued. The fee
schedule was also adjusted to reflect actual costs incurred.
Carol Wermter requested that the Planning Commission minutes be better labeled on the township website. They are included
under the same heading as the Town Board minutes. The agendas will also be added to the township web page. Justin clarified
that the minimum buildable lot size is 20,000 square feet of contiguous suitable area in the land use ordinance.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2017 meeting with the correction for the second by Doug of
the motion on fee changes. Linda seconded. Motion passed.
Justin gave his P&Z report. No permits have been issued since the last meeting.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.