Regular Meeting January 10, 2017; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
The March election services contract with Crow Wing County was discussed. The cost is $300 for Crow Wing County to provide
basic technical assistance, comprehensive ballot and equipment coordination services and general absentee and poll location
supplies. Greg made a motion to approve the contract, Dave seconded, motion passed.
The 2017 Fire Protection Agreement with the City of Brainerd Fire Department was discussed. The changes included in the
new contract were that the City of Brainerd will not be billing anyone for their responses to crashes and the City will provide
non-emergency fire services within the Township including fire inspection, code enforcement and the issuance of permits.
Greg made a motion to accept the contract with the following change "Payment shall be due as follows: One-half paid by
April 1st July 31st and the remaining half paid by August 1st December 31st of each year." Dave seconded, motion passed.
The clerk will send a letter with the signed contract explaining the date change and asking that the City provide Crow Wing
Township with information for an emergency service charge on those receiving emergency services in the township.
The Crow Wing Estates purchase agreement for the two lots purchased from MnDOT was discussed. The signed agreement will
be forwarded to Jerome and Rosemary Eischens for completion.
Wade Tomberlin's property violation was discussed. There has been no recent contact with Mr. Tomberlin. No communication
has been received on the Dillon property. Josh Neelan was still working on fencing the property. Wesley Juaire called the
clerk and said he was having back surgery and would finish cleaning up the property after he has recovered from the surgery.
Public comments: Randy brought up that the recycling bins were all filled to overflowing last Saturday. The December
17, 2016 recycling day was canceled due to the weather which may have affected the amount in the dumpsters.
Planning Commission Report. Greg reported there were $1,750 in permit fees collected for six permits in November and December.
Bruce Darkow presented information on a proposed shrimp production facility in the township. Because this type of facility
is not addressed in the land use ordinance, Justin was directed to send Mr. Darkow the application for amending the ordinance.
Claims and the Treasurer's report were examined and approved. The clerk was directed to send a letter to Midwest Machine
expressing the board's concern with the amount of labor charged to diagnose the fuel system problem, change oil and replace
a sensor on the John Deere 5083E tractor. Sue informed the board that she had to purchase a laptop and printer because the
hard drive crashed on the old one and the printer has not been working right.
Dave presented the road report. There were three areas with cars in the right-of-way after the last snowstorm. Dave
will check them again to see if notifications need to be sent. Dave received a call about a mailbox being hit by the snowplow.
Dave received the wetland delineation permit. Dave will proceed with getting the work done in the spring.
Correspondence received was reviewed. The Trained Member Certification Form for Local Board of Appeal and Equalization
2017 was signed and will be sent to Crow Wing County.
Josiah Kern will be starting work on recycling days on January 21st. Affidavit of Candidacy forms for the March 14, 2017
election have been received.
The board examined the minutes from December 13, 2016. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Greg seconded.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.