Regular Meeting November 29, 2016 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Clerk Duane Ruona
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Greg had correspondence from Cygneture Title & Abstract requesting the name of the person signing for the township
regarding the transfer of the property for the community well at Crow Wing Estates. The clerk will contact Cyneture Title
& Abstract with the requested information. There was discussion about the request from Crow Wing Estates Homeowners Association
that the township have the past due association fees placed on the property owners taxes as special assessments. The MATIT
attorney's response to that question was that the township cannot add private association dues to property taxes. Crow Wing
County also researched the question with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the response was that there is no existing
authority to levy for delinquent association fees. They recommend that a lien be placed on the property for the delinquent
fees. The clerk will send a letter to Rosemary Eischens with that information.
Mark presented the Fire Advisory Board report from the November 16, 2016 meeting. Collection of fees for accident response
was one topic discussed. Currently the Brainerd Fire Department charges the responsible party for a fire department call-out
within the city limits. They do not have the authority to charge for fire calls outside the city limits. Dave made a motion
to allow charging the responsible party for a Brainerd Fire Department response within Crow Wing Township. Greg seconded
the motion. After further discussion it was determined that the funds collected would be put in the Brainerd Fire Department's
fund and would not directly reduce costs in Crow Wing Township. Motion failed. Mark will get more information on the subject
at the next Fire Advisory Board Meeting.
Other topics discussed were the requirement of commercial business inspections and responding to false alarms.
The Wade Tomberlin cleanup issue was discussed. Commissioners Dan Lee and Doug Kern did a site inspection November 21,
2016 at 4:00 PM. Wade has been working on putting up a fence to screen the property from view. The fence is the first phase
of eliminating the violation. There still needs to be additional cleanup within the property. Wade will finish the fence
and Brad or Dan will be out to inspect the fence next week.
The Dillon/Ruckdaschel complaint was discussed. It appears that some items have been removed from the property and progress
has been made.
Josh Neelan was in attendance to discuss his property violation. Josh is building a fence around his property and will
have it completed to the West property line by December 13, 2016. He will also move the concrete steps out of the right-of-way
by that time. Fees that are still outstanding are $125.00 from the April 16, 2016 inspection completed by Justin. Wes Juaire
cleanup appears to be nearly done. The Engholm property cleanup was discussed. Property taxes are delinquent and the previous
cleanup expenses have not been paid to the county.
The public comment portion of the meeting included the snowplowing done by the new contractor. Lone Oak residents were
unhappy with the amount of time it took to plow the roads. They felt the contractor should have started earlier. There was
another comment that Wetherbee Road was only plowed one pass the first day and two cars could not meet on the road. The snow
was very heavy and wet and future snowplowing should be handled better.
Dave presented the road issues. There have been questions about the 2017 township levy increase. The Road & Bridge
portion was raised to cover 2 miles of road construction per year because the township has 40 miles of roads and they have
an expected life of 20 years. Dave is still waiting for all the crack sealing quotes for 2017. The wetlands delineation procedure
for 50th Avenue was discussed. The permit hasn't been received yet. Tri City has not completed the culvert work.
Justin Burslie is out of town and will not be at the town hall November 30th and December 7th. He will be available via
phone and email.
Payroll was examined and approved. The township election will be on March 14, 2017. Greg made a motion to not meet on
January 24, 2017. Dave seconded, motion passed.
The board examined the minutes from November 15, 2016. Dave made a motion accept the minutes, Greg seconded. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.