Regular Meeting November 15, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Clerk Duane Ruona
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Jerry and Rosemary Eischens were in attendance to discuss the transfer of the community well property from Crow Wing Township
to Crow Wing Estates. They will contact a closing company to take care of the transfer.
The Wade Tomberlin cleanup issue was discussed. The Planning Commission set a site inspection for November 21, 2016 at
4:00 PM. Commissioners Dan Lee and Doug Kern will do the inspection. The 60 day timeframe to complete the cleanup is December
10, 2016.
The Dillon/Ruckdaschel complaint was discussed. It appears that some items have been removed from the property. There
was a call to Justin from the property owner to the North about some of Dillon's vehicles being over the property line. The
30 day timeframe to complete the cleanup is November 30, 2016. The Engholm property cleanup was discussed. It appears that
more items have been hauled in. If the delinquent property taxes have been paid, a letter will be sent notifying them of
the possible legal action the township will take to complete the cleanup. The Josh Neelan property violation was discussed.
It doesn't appear that any progress has been made. A letter will be sent inviting Mr. Neelan to the next meeting to discuss
the issue.
A pickup is parked in the right-of-way on Buffalo Creek Road. A letter will be sent to the property owner advising him
to move the pickup off the right-of-way. Cardboard recycling dumpster is not signed as corrugated cardboard. Waste Partners
will be contacted to clarify what is eligible to be placed in the dumpster. There are still openings for recycling workers
on the 2017 schedule. Correspondence from St. Mathias Township was received indicating that their portion of 50th Avenue
will be gravel until it is paved next year.
The Planning Commission report included a request that was received to place a storage container on property in Barrows.
Crow Wing County allows them and the township has nothing in its Land Use Plan about the containers so they will be allowed.
The Shequin Drive gate and Greenwood Street request for information on rezoning was discussed.
Claims and the Treasurer's report were examined and approved.
Dave presented the road report. Strong Avenue has been dug up and Dave will try to level it off. The wetlands delineation
procedure for 50th Avenue was discussed. The permit hasn't been received yet. Crack sealing quotes for 2017 have been requested.
Tri City Paving has finished the culvert by 60th Avenue. They will be working on the others this week.
The equipment issues that occurred during the general election were discussed. Because the tabulator jammed a number
of times, all ballots had to be recounted at the courthouse at the end of the day. The county has indicated that they hope
to have new equipment for the next election.
The board examined the minutes from October 25, 2016. Greg made a motion accept the minutes, Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.