Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting October 10, 2016 6:00pm
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Linda Schuety, Dan Lee, Doug Kern, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk)
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The first item of business was the Wade Tomberlin violation. Wade was in attendance at the meeting in response to the
letter that was sent after the last Planning Commission meeting. The previously suggested fence has not been completed because
there is confusion on where the property line is and Wade cannot afford to have it surveyed at this time. Wade says he has
been working on clean up and that the view from the road is much better. Building materials are piled up by the property
line. Brad suggested that the pile be moved behind the house. The issue has been ongoing for a few years and needs to be
resolved. Wade agreed to have things cleaned up in the front yard of his property within 60 days and Brad will meet Wade
in 30 days to review the progress. The Planning Commission agreed to recommend to the town board that Mr. Tomberlin be given
60 days to complete the clean up to the Planning Commission's satisfaction.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 12, 2016 meeting and Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Fuchs/Juaire property violation was discussed. Brad and Justin visited the Juaire property before the meeting. Significant
progress on the cleanup of the property has occurred. Wesley Juaire has agreed to remove the following items within 30 days:
2 Vehicles (Saturn on blocks and green sedan)
He does not own the Saturn but will work on gaining title. We informed him that he could have an additional 30 days to
remove the vehicle if he can provide evidence that he is working on obtaining title to the vehicle.
Camper wall
Dilapidated playhouse
Miscellaneous auto parts on shelving near the fire ring
Clutter near the south side of the mobile home
Another site visit will be performed before the next planning commission meeting.
The suggested violation reporting policy was discussed. Justin presented copies of a Citizen Complaint Policy, Citizen
Complaint Form and Citizen Concern Log. The name of the person making the complaint is confidential per the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act. The process will create a paper trail that could be used for any problems that may arise or for future
litigation. Motion by Doug to recommend the policy with revisions to the Town Board for review and approval. Second by Dan.
Motion passed.
Justin gave his P&Z report on permits issued in the past month for new homes and other structures.
Linda asked about the posting of Planning Commission minutes on the NJPA or Township website. After discussion, it was
determined that the minutes will be posted on the Crow Wing Township website.
Dan made motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.