Regular Meeting October 25, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Clerk Duane Ruona
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Outstanding administrative fees to the township was discussed. The current amounts owed by the four property owners will
be sent to Crow Wing County to be added to property taxes due in 2017.
The citizen complaint that was received concerning three properties in Barrows was discussed. Dale Dillon was present
at the meeting and asked for clarification of what needs to be done to clean up his property. Mr. Dillon was asked if he
would be able to come to the Town Hall on Wednesday, October 26th when Justin Burslie is at the town hall. He also explained
that he had not been getting the monthly billings from the township. Motion by Greg and second by Dave to remove the monthly
fees from the current billing that Mr. Dillon had not received. Motion passed.
The Erin Road cul-de-sac was discussed. There has been work done on the driveways leading to the pavement. The Josh Neelan
property violation was discussed. There has been no response from Josh. The MnDOT Land Conveyance to Crow Wing Estates was
discussed. A letter was sent to Rosemary Eichens of Crow Wing Estates with a total of all costs and advising them to begin
the process of transferring the property.
The Fuchs/Juaire property violation was discussed. Wesley Juaire has agreed to remove the listed items within 30 days.
Another site visit will be performed before the next planning commission meeting.
Dave presented the current road issues. Tri City Paving has finished fog sealing the roads damaged by the sheepsfoot
compactor. Greg made a motion to pay Tri-City the balance due on the project less $1,000 for the remaining culvert work.
Dave seconded. Motion passed.
The wetlands delineation procedure for 50th Street was discussed. Greg had an estimate for hydro-seeding. Cost is $850
per tank load which will cover 8,000 square feet. Dave made a motion to accept the quote from Dale's Excavating for placing
material on the project. Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Crack sealing of township roads in 2017 was discussed. Anderson Brothers submitted a quote which includes the eight
miles of new pavement done last year. Dave will check with other contractors.
The only Communications received was the Notice of General Election forms from Crow Wing County that need to be posted
at the town hall and Wild Rice Depot.
Payroll was examined and approved.
The board examined the minutes from October 11, 2016. Greg made a motion accept the minutes, Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.