Regular Meeting October 11, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
A citizen complaint was received concerning three properties in Barrows: 7006 Holmes Ave. owned by Elliot Ruckdaschel;
10224 Town Hall Street, owned by Dale Dillion; and 7193 Barrows Ave. part of the Engholm Estate. The complaint was made because
of cancelled home showings after potential buyers drove through the area. Motion by Greg and second by Dave to send a letter
to Dillion and Ruckdaschel explaining possible legal action.
The Erin Road cul-de-sac was discussed. There has been work done on the driveways leading to the pavement and Dave will
check the work to see if it will remedy the problem. The Josh Neelan property violation was discussed. There has been no
response from Josh.
The MnDOT Land Conveyance to Crow Wing Estates was discussed. The Quit Claim Deed has been received from Crow Wing County.
A letter will be sent to Crow Wing Estates with a total of all costs and advising them to begin the process of transferring
the property.
The City of Brainerd bill for the Fire Department 2015 Budget Deficit was discussed. The Fire Protection Agreement with
the City of Brainerd was reviewed. Mark made a motion to pay the bill. Greg seconded. Motion passed.
The Planning Commission report was discussed. The suggested violation reporting policy was reviewed as well as a Citizen
Complaint Policy, Citizen Complaint Form and Citizen Concern Log. The name of the person making the complaint is confidential
per the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The process will create a paper trail that could be used for any problems
that may arise or for future litigation. Motion by Dave to accept the policy. Second by Mark. Motion passed.
The Fuchs/Juaire property violation was discussed. Brad and Justin visited the Juaire property before the Planning Commission
meeting. Significant progress on the cleanup of the property has occurred. Wesley Juaire has agreed to remove the following
items within 30 days:
2 Vehicles (Saturn on blocks and green sedan)
o He does not own the Saturn but will work on gaining title. We informed him that he could have an additional 30 days
to remove the vehicle if he can provide evidence that he is working on obtaining title to the vehicle.
Camper wall
Dilapidated playhouse
Miscellaneous auto parts on shelving near the fire ring
Clutter near the south side of the mobile home
Another site visit will be performed before the next planning commission meeting.
The Wade Tomberlin violation was discussed. Wade was in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting. Wade agreed to
have things cleaned up in the front yard of his property within 60 days and Brad will meet Wade in 30 days to review the progress.
Mr. Tomberlin will be given 60 days to complete the clean up to the Planning Commission's satisfaction.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed. There was discussion about the Fletcher Trucking bill for class 5 gravel
that Dave picked up. Dave will review with Fletcher's before the bill is paid. Total mowing costs for 2013-2016 was reviewed.
The tractor repair bill was discussed. Dave will look at other options to get the needed repairs and maintenance done.
Dave presented the road report. Tri City Paving fog sealed the road. It rained that night and some washed off the road.
Dave will investigate the problem further. It was decided to withhold paying Tri-City until this issue is resolved. Elite
Contracting damaged Wetherbee Road when they plowed in cable. Anderson Brothers fixed the road for $5,000. Elite will pay
Anderson Brothers. The wetlands delineation procedure for 50th Street was discussed. Beth's bill to the township is $1,500.
The cost of a permit to continue the project is $400. The design needs to be approved and silt fence will need to be purchased.
Dave received three written quotes for placing material on the project. They ranged from $45,000 to more than $130,000.
Dave will continue the process. Crack sealing of township roads in 2017 was discussed. Anderson Brothers submitted a written
quote of $59,842 which did not include the eight miles of new pavement done last year. Dave will check with other contractors.
Communications were received from Crow Wing County requesting the Town Road mileage certification by November 10, 2016.
Dave will review the list.
Discussion about putting the Planning Commission minutes on the Township website was discussed. Previous minutes have
been posted on the NJPA Crow Wing Township Planning Commission website, but current year minutes are not. They will be updated
to the Township website.
The board examined the minutes from September 27, 2016. Greg made a motion accept the minutes, Dave seconded. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.