Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting September 12, 2016 6:00pm
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Linda Schuety, Dan Lee, Doug Kern, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Greg Smith (Town Board Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk)
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 8, 2016 meeting and Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The first item of business was the Wade Tomberlin violation. Laureen Tomberlin was in attendance and provided information
to the Planning Commission regarding previous issues that were to be addressed but have not been corrected. Brad has talked
to Wade over the past year and has checked the property, but there appears to be no improvements. The agreed to fencing has
not been completed. There are more items coming in to the property as shown on aerial photos available to the public. It
was recommended that a letter be sent to Mr. Tomberlin outlining the Township position and options available to resolve the
matter, including legal action and a civil suit with all related costs assessed to Mr. Tomberlin's property.
Justin provided information related to Corridor Zoning. Crow Wing County has a requirement that any parcels zoned Agricultural/Forestry
have a 35 acre minimum lot size. The township could designate that major travel corridors be rezoned to Rural Residential
10 or Rural Residential 20. That would still keep the rural feel to the area. The subject will be addressed at future meetings.
The development of a violation reporting policy was discussed. An example of the forms used by the City of Fifty Lakes
was reviewed. They have a Citizen Complaint Policy, Citizen Complaint Form and Citizen Concern Log. The name of the person
making the complaint is confidential per the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The process will create a paper trail
that could be used for any problems that may arise or for future litigation. Justin will bring a suggested form/process to
the next meeting.
The Violation Enforcement Ordinance was reviewed. The question of creating a structured fee schedule was discussed.
The current administrative fee is $100 per hour plus mileage, which is the same as Crow Wing County charges, to compensate
for costs associated with getting the violation resolved. This includes letters being prepared and sent, site visits, etc.
Justin gave his P&Z report on permits issued in the past month for new homes and other structures.
The Planning Commission member's terms was discussed. Terms are for two years. The terms for Brad and Linda will end
on January 1, 2017. The terms for Dan and Doug will end on January 1, 2018. The web page will be updated.
The matter of Jamie Markuson's property violation on 10109 Heron St. was discussed. The contract for deed with Crow Wing
County is in default and the County is in the process of getting the property back as tax forfeited. The County will be responsible
for any cleanup of the property.
Dan made motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.