Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting March 14, 2016 6:00pm
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair) Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Zach Rogers, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Greg Smith (Town Board Chair), Susan Amick (Town Clerk)
Call to Order 6:00pm
Brad called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The first part of the meeting was a public hearing to rezone a 46 acre tract from Rural Residential 10 to Commercial 2.
The property owner is DF & Company Inc.; Applicant is Matt Cool. Justin is recommending the rezone be approved based
on the findings of fact that were presented to the board and public at the meeting. It was noted for the record that Justin
did receive feedback with comments pertaining to design from area resident Robert Nibby 9925 St. Mathias Road. Also Joe Zak,
a property owner on Ravenwood, was in attendance to ask clarifying questions about buffering requirements between the commercial
and nearby residential properties. Brad shared that a buffer is required between the two property types and explained the
requirements in place pertaining to this matter. Justin explained what the required medium rated buffer screening is and
how it works. It was discussed that the requirement for proper access to the property needs to be met by the applicant.
Zach made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to the town board contingent on the applicant gaining required property
access, contingent on approval from the state highway department for a turning lane off of highway 371, & based on the
findings of fact. Linda seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Justin Barnhart manager of the BMX track was in attendance to discuss his plans for getting a new gate on the entrance.
He also would like to relocate the canopy area elsewhere to make a picnic area. A new storage shed would be added to the
property and others removed. The staging area would also be raised.
Brad gave brief overview of the annual meeting. He stated there were no clear comments or direction given by residents
on the 371 corridor zoning.
Discussion resumed from the previous meeting regarding the number of consecutive terms served by appointed planning commission
board members. Zach made a motion to initiate an ordinance amendment regarding term limits for the planning commission.
Dan seconded the motion. This motion is intended to clarify the appointment and term limits as needed by request of the planning
commission. Motion passed.
The minutes from the February 8, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Linda made a motion to accept the minutes with one clarification
noted. Dan seconded the motion. Motion passed.
It was noted that Jamie Markuson has returned to his property. A letter will be sent by the town board reminding Mr.
Markuson to submit his septic & driveway plans to the planning commission board.
Justin gave a brief administrator's report.
Brad made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Zach seconded it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.