Regular Meeting; September 13, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Gopher Bounties presented by John Jansen were paid.
Erin Road cul-de-sac was discussed. Roger and Bernard Juaire were present to question the billings that have been sent
to Bud for cleanup of the sand that washes down the driveway to Erin Road. The other landowner that uses the driveway will
be contacted and the Board will explore further options to resolve the problem.
The Division Street vacation request by Jared Callahan was discussed. The property ownership of adjoining properties
listed on the Crow Wing County website was reviewed. There was a question about land-locking one of the lots and the adjoining
lot that is supposed to be owned by the same person shows as tax forfeited on the Crow Wing County website. Further investigation
of the properties will need to be done before the vacation request can move forward.
The Josh Neelan property violation was reviewed. The fees charged to the property were reviewed and it was determined
that all fees were correct. Josh has been invited to attend the Planning Commission meetings.
The MnDOT land conveyance was discussed. The Quit Claim Deed will be recorded at the county and returned to the township
for the transfer to Crow Wing Estates.
The Fuchs/Leslie Juaire violation was discussed. Greg talked to Wesley Juaire and he is making progress with the cleanup.
Greg talked to Crow Wing County about the Markuson property. No payments have been made to the county for the property
and the county will be responsible for the cleanup after the allowable redemption period has lapsed.
The largest portion of the Wakefield property was tax forfeited and that is why the county had it cleaned up.
The public comments included a request to bring out more class 5 gravel to River Way. The question of how a person could
purchase tax forfeited property was addressed. Crow Wing County sends out a list to the township for available property and
posts it on their website.
Brad gave the Planning Commission report. The process of a violation registration form was discussed. There is also
a tracking form that can be used to make sure that the fees charged are accurate. Justin will review the form and bring it
back to the Planning Commission for review. The Engholm property fees that were billed in error will be credited back. The
address on the Dillion property will be corrected. The Marv Niesen property fees will be credited back also.
The supervisors reviewed the treasurer's report and examined payroll sheets. Dave made a motion to approve the cash control
report. Greg seconded. Motion passed.
Dave presented the road report. Tri-City finished paving Cook Road. Greg is waiting for a response from Braun about
the damage caused by Tri-City's sheepsfoot compactor. The township truck has been repaired and the mower was also repaired
under warranty. There is a basketball hoop in the right-of-way on Jay Street. A letter will be sent to the property owner
requesting removal of the hoop from the right-of-way. Beth from the county is still working on the wetlands delineation issue
on 50th. The township will not be doing any other roads. Beth will be sending information to Dave. Dave has been getting
class 5 from Fletcher's for fixing areas on various roads.
The issue of no longer being able to access the security system remotely was discussed. The lightning strike this summer
was repaired with new circuit boards that do not include the remote access. The other parts are no longer available because
of the age of the system. Other options will be explored to replace the existing cameras and alarm system.
The board examined the minutes from August 30th. Greg made a motion accept the minutes, Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.