Regular Meeting September 27, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Clerk Duane Ruona
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The Town Hall security system was discussed. The only quote received so far was from Birchdale Security. Cost was $650
with a monthly fee of $32. If internet was available at the Town Hall the cost would be less. Other options will be looked
at. Greg made a motion to disconnect the phone service at the Town Hall and Dave seconded. Motion passed.
The issue of sand and gravel washing out onto the Erin Road cul-de-sac was discussed. The suggestion was to add class
5 or crushed rock to the driveway for Bernard Juaire and James Penoyer to build it up so the water will drain to the side
of the driveway. A letter will be sent to both residents with the suggested solution to the problem and if the work is completed
this fall, the previous billings will be forgiven.
The Josh Neelan property violation was discussed. There has been no response from Josh. The Juaire property violation
was discussed. Greg will contact Wes Juaire about inspecting the property.
Dave presented the road report. The damage to township roads caused by Tri-City's sheepsfoot compactor operator was discussed.
It has been suggested that Tri City Paving fog seal the road. Greg talked to an engineer at Braun and he doesn't think there
is hidden damage to the road. Dave will talk to Tri City about getting the fog sealing done. Dave cleaned up abandoned tires
on township roads and has been adding class 5 to the roads where necessary. The Township tractor is in for repairing a fuel
leak and 600 hour recommended service.
The City of Brainerd bill for the Fire Department 2015 Budget Deficit was discussed. More information will be requested
from the City of Brainerd to clarify the details of the billing. Dave made a motion to not pay the bill. Greg seconded.
Motion passed.
The supervisors reviewed the payroll sheets and approved them for payment.
The board examined the minutes from September 13, 2016. Greg made a motion accept the minutes, Dave seconded. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.