Regular Meeting - August 16, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Susan Kern, Clerk Duane
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Brad Arnold informed the Board about Rezoning Application 16-4434 to Rezone Seven Tracts from Residential to Commercial
2 for property owned by Jerome Callahan. The initial request to rezone four lots was modified to include three more lots,
making the total 115,892 square feet, to meet the minimum lot size requirement of 100,000 square feet for Commercial 2 zoning.
Public comments on the zoning request were heard at the Planning Commission meeting. Questions were asked about possible
future use of the property and residents were told the current parcels that are grandfathered in as Commercial 2 could be
used for the same purpose, but by combining the lots, there would be more of a buffer zone between the possible commercial
uses and residential property. Depending on the commercial use of the property, a Conditional Use Permit may be required.
If a residence was to be added at a later date, additional property would be required to maintain the 100,000 square foot
Commercial 2 requirement. A survey would be required if the lot lines were changed to be able to add a residence. Approval
was recommended by the Planning Commission. Mark made a motion to accept Rezoning Application 16-4434 and Greg seconded.
Motion passed.
A request to vacate Division Street between Cuyuna Avenue and Holmes Avenue was received from Jared Callahan. There is
a State of Minnesota test well in the ROW on Division Street. The Clerk will check on the ownership of the affected lots
and Greg will check with MnDOT on the test well.
There has been no contact from Josh Neelan regarding his violations. Greg will check the status of the MnDOT land conveyance
with the county. Duane reported that Wesley Juaire had called about the Fuchs/Leslie Juaire violation and is about half-way
through the cleanup. The Jamie Markuson violation was discussed. The contract for deed with Crow Wing County on the property
will be investigated to see what options are available to the township for cleanup of the property. The matter of Chad Jillson's
property was discussed and Brad has talked to Mr. Jillson and the adjoining property owners and was told the problems would
be resolved.
The Planning Commission vacancy created by the resignation of Zach Rogers was discussed. Doug Kern has expressed interest
in the position and the Planning Commission made a favorable recommendation to the town board to appoint Doug Kern to the
vacant position. Mark made a motion to appoint Doug Kern to fill out the remaining term of Zach Rogers. Greg seconded.
Motion passed.
Susan Kern gave the treasurer's report and presented claims for approval. The supervisors examined, then approved them
for payment. Susan also asked about the new township clerk's salary. Greg made a motion to set the salary at $600 per month
subject to review at the annual reorganizational meeting. Dave seconded. Motion passed.
Dave gave the road report. He reported on permits issued, driving through the ditch on Weatherbee Road, and sand at the
end of Erin Road's cul-de-sac again. The sheepsfoot compactor damage done by Tri-City paving has not been resolved. Dave
is waiting for a recommendation from MnDOT on correcting the damage that was done. There has been no recent communications
from Tri City on the road repairs that were agreed to. CTC has agreed to repair roads that were damaged during fiber installations.
Discussion about wetland delineation for shouldering purposes was discussed. If the amount of affected wetlands is over
10,000 square feet, the Corps of Engineers becomes involved. Dave will look into the cost to do one road to keep the affected
area under that amount.
The minutes from July 26th were reviewed. After a correction to change Vickerman Road to 50th Street Greg made a motion
to accept the minutes. Dave seconded and the motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.