Regular Meeting - July 26, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Susan Kern, Clerk Susan
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Tim Bray, Crow Wing County Engineer was in attendance to discuss the 5 year highway improvement plan. A handout was given
to board members which included color coded summary maps of future plans to improve Crow Wing County roads. There was also
a Ride Quality index map that illustrates the roughness of county roads. A financial plan was also included. The 5 year
improvement plan encompasses about 175 miles of roadway and 2 bridges.
St. Mathias Township board members (Jim Guida, Becky Eckelmen, Carrie Allord) were present to discuss future work on 50th
Ave. They are about to begin construction on their share of the road. They cannot support a black top road with their funding,
but are planning to do the 1 mile of 50th that is their responsibility. The St. Mathias board wants to work with the Crow
Wing Township board to insure support in the process in case any issues should occur or damage to the portion of the road
adjoining to Crow Wing's side. The option of returning the mile of road to gravel was discussed, but their resident surveys
indicate that residents do want it to be tarred. Dave advised that geo grid be definitely used in the bad areas of the road.
Discussion & questions about various aspects of overseeing a road project were asked by St. Mathias and the Crow Wing
Supervisors gave answers and suggestions. In regards to 50th Ave it was determined that Crow Wing Township takes the even
years and St. Mathias the odd years for the road maintenance.
Several residents were in attendance to discuss ongoing issues with Chad Jillson concerning trespassing (trailer house
& items over the property line), and someone is living in the trailer house with no septic, electricity, etc on the property.
Brad Arnold, Planning Commission Chairman will plan to reach Sheriff Dahl in the next few days and along with him and Dave
Schultz visit the property to put up property markers (cables or gates) and discuss the issues with Mr. Jillson in person.
Brad reported that Josh Neelan has some more fence sections up. Mr. Neelan has yet to attend a meeting to discuss his
Brad shared that he has received multiple calls about Wade Tomberlin. His adjoining neighbor is putting up a fence, but
Mr. Tomberlin is taking it down. Brad told neighbor that they need to work through the court. Justin had requested copies
of all letters the township has sent in the past several years from township clerk, Susan Amick made copies of those on file
and provided them.
The supervisors examined payroll sheets and approved them for payment.
Dave gave an update on progress with Tri City Paving. The letter was sent as specified in the previous minutes. Due
to frequent rain no work has begun yet. Dave has a meeting tomorrow to delineate three township roads. Dave is looking
ahead to road needs for next year, including crack sealing and is getting price estimates for planning purposes. Dave got
a few bids for road sweepsters. Dave will go look at a used one for sale and will report back at the next meeting to decide
if the township should purchase it.
Susan provided a recycling update. All dumpsters were once again overflowing with items on the ground between pick-up
dates. The situation will need to be monitored into the fall to consider adding another dumpster.
The Minnesota Association of Townships District 8 meeting is August 17th. All board members will be attending. Duane
will call to RSVP.
Susan shared the list of election judges scheduled to work the August 9 election: Virginia Rogers, Susan Kern, Duane
Ruona and Darlene Jillson. Greg made a motion to approve the scheduled judges, Mark seconded it. Motion passed.
Susan appointed Duane Ruona as the new township clerk. Duane took the oath of office.
The board examined the minutes from July 12th. Dave made a motion accept the minutes, Greg seconded the meeting. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:36pm.