Regular Meeting - July 12, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer Susan Kern, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer
Susan Kern, Absent: Chairman Mark Platta
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Dave shared there was a complaint about dirt washout at the end of the cul-de-sac at the end of Erin Road. It is the
responsibility of the property owner to be sure to keep this clean, the owner/renter has been notified of this multiple times.
Dave cleaned it up; his work time & mileage will be charged to the owner. A bill will be sent.
Dave said there have been complaints from neighbors of Chad Jillson regarding someone living in a trailer on his property
with no water, septic, sewer, etc. It was also mentioned that when Mr. Jillson drags his driveway, excess gravel is drug
out onto the road and left there. A letter will be sent inviting him to a planning commission meeting or town board meeting
to discuss the matters.
The MnDOT land conveyance progress has been made. Greg received word that the paperwork is at the courthouse. Greg will
send info he received to Susan and she will work on it.
Wesley Juaire contacted Susan Amick, then Greg Smith regarding his parent’s property violation (Fuchs/Lesley
Juaire) and is working on cleaning up the property. He intends to have it completed by the end of August.
Doug Kern was in attendance to express interest in being on the planning commission, filling Zach Roger’s spot.
Dave shared that he had heard there was at least one other person who has expressed interest in the position. Greg said he
would relay the info to Brad and they would get back to Doug with what he needs to do.
Susan Kern gave the treasurer’s report and presented claims for approval. The supervisors examined, then approved
them for payment.
Dave gave the road report. He purchased a new LED light for the township truck. He reviewed the info that Tri City plans
to do to conclude work and repairs on the roadwork.
Below is a summary of the agreed upon work to be completed within 2 weeks once it has begun, and at no expense to Crow
Wing Township.
Cook Road:
*Mill off 550' of cracked area asphalt
*Put the geo grid as specified in the original bidding documents, along with all materials listed in the original bid
(asphalt mix, bituminous, etc) across the entire width of road
*Put 6" class 5 on top of geo grid
*Place 15ft wide felt down the center of the rest of the remaining 650ft of the 1200' road
*Overlay 1 1/2" asphalt from beginning of County Road 45 change to 2" compacted asphalt over 6" graveled
area then back to 1 1/2" to finish the 1200'.
*All to be feathered in so there are no noticeable bumps etc in the road
*Class one shouldering to complete the work; re-shoulder entire 1200’ of Cook Rd w/ 2ft shoulders
A letter will be sent to Tri City stating the above so there is a written agreement. Greg made a motion to give Tri City
approval to move forward with the project as outlined in the letter which will be sent. Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
The minutes from June 28, 2016 were examined. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Dave seconded
it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.