Regular Meeting May 24, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Mark called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
George Burton was present to discuss his party scheduled on Aug 20th, he requested Lone Oak road be closed for the time
that fireworks are being shot off (about 20 minutes beginning at 9:30pm). The supervisors shared what signage needs to be
put up in advance for drivers to be informed. George will have the signs made and bring them to the board for approval at
an upcoming meeting.
The board revisited the matter of reviewing the bids for road contractor received at the previous meeting. Information
received from the township lawyer, along with other related info was discussed and considered. Greg made a motion to award
the bid to Northland Excavating for road maintenance of Crow Wing Township, provided he can get proof of the required insurance
by the next meeting on June 7th. Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
Dave said he has not heard from Tri City Paving yet as to their plans to finish road repairs in a manner the board finds
acceptable. A letter will be sent to Tri City stating the exact work that needs to be done and manner it should be completed
before seeking legal action.
Greg said he heard from Brad that the Josh Neelan inspection did not go well. Mr. Neelan was upset & angry at the
time of the visit. The matter will be reviewed by the planning commission and legal action likely begun.
Greg heard from Joe Rakow who was unaware that someone was living in a bus on his property. He said he would take care
of the problem.
Lola Fuches/Lesly Juiare property still has not been cleaned up. They have until June 5th to do so before the lawyer
begins legal action.
Jamie Markuson property has had some activity on it, some clean up has been done. He has until the 31st to vacate the
Arro Land Survey made a hole in one of the newly paved roads, Dave came upon them doing it. He informed them that they
must patch the hole.
Dave presented info for board consideration on the possibility of purchasing a sweeper brush for the back of the tractor
as an alternative to hiring out for the road to be swept in the spring. Sweeper brushes last about 5 years. Dave will look
into pricing.
Payroll & Claim sheets were examined by the supervisors and approved.
The minutes from the May 10th meeting were reviewed. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes, Mark seconded it. Motion
passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.