Regular Meeting – May 10, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta,
Supervisors Greg Smith & Dave Schultz, Treasurer, Susan Kern, Clerk Susan
called the meeting to order at 6:07pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
were received for the road contractor.
Greg made a motion to table the decision due to the need to check with
the Troy Gilchrist, township attorney with some specific questions on insurance
related issues dealing with the contract.
Susan will contact him to get clarifying information and report back to
the board.
reported that he heard back from Tri City Paving and they have fixed the
driveway issues on the roads so far and will get back to the board regarding
what will be done with the rest of the road.
Burslie & Brad Arnold plan to visit Josh Neelan for his violation
inspection on May 11. Greg stopped by
this week and saw some work being done.
was a resident complaint that someone is living in a bus on Joe Rakow’s
property & using a bucket for toiletry needs. Dave made a motion that a
letter be sent to
him to request the person discontinue living in the bus due to lack of sanitary
service, as well as address the issue of accumulation of outside storage on his
property, and invite him to the next town board meeting May 24th to
discuss the problem. Greg seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Arnold gave the planning commission
report. Brad brought forth rezoning application 16-4412 to rezone a 40 acre
tract of land from Agricultural/Forestry to Rural Residential 10, located at
8417 50th Ave Brainerd, MN owned by Frederick & Darlene Jillson. The Planning
Commission recommends the application be approved based on the following
findings of fact. There are no
recommended conditions of approval.
The subject property is located at 8417 50th
Avenue. PIN 540199003FB0009.
subject property is suitable for development in general
conformance with the “Rural Residential 10” land use district.
reclassification will not alter the character of the
properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject property.
The reclassification will not impact
the health, safety, and
general welfare of the public.
The subject property meets the minimum
lot dimensions of the “Rural
Residential 10” land use district.
The rezoning of the property will not create any non-conforming
The subject property is adjacent
to “Rural
Residential 2.5” property (west), “Agricultural/Forestry” property (south and
east) and “Commercial 2” property (north, across Highway 371).
Rezoning of the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive
Plan as the future land use map identifies the subject property as “Low Density
The subject property is located in the Army Compatible
Use Buffer
area which has a recommended density of no more than one dwelling per ten
The property owner intends to split
the 39.8 acre tract into two
parcels, thus requiring a reclassification to “Rural Residential 10.”
The property owner’s original request to rezone the property to
“Rural Residential 2.5” was found to be inconsistent with the Comprehensive
Plan. The property owners amended their
request to rezone to “Rural Residential 10” at the May 9, 2016 Planning
Commission meeting.
made a motion to approve the rezone based on the findings of fact. Mark seconded
the motion, motion passed.
board was informed that Zach Rogers will be unable to serve on the planning commission
for the next several months due to a new job, it is uncertain if he will be
able to return to serving or not. The
board will wait to see, but in the meantime Brad will check around for
interested individuals who might do it.
MATIT insurance policy was reviewed.
There were several corrections that need to be updated. Susan will contact
Kern gave the treasurer’s report. The
supervisors examined & approved the claims for payment.
cemetery deeds were sold, signed and notarized by board members. Deeds will
be mailed to: James & Susan Goodnew as well as Scott
& Dixie Pakarinen.
made a motion to send a letter to the resident located next to the town hall
building stating that he may not use the town hall parking lot to turn his semi
around or he will be liable for damages; the parking lot is not built to road
specs. Mark seconded it, motion
minutes from the spring road tour were discussed. Letters will be sent to individuals
who need
to address issues.
made a motion to approve the meeting with noted corrections regarding a 3.2
beer license & off sale liqueur license & Tri City road section repair being
1200 ft. Mark seconded, motion passed.
adjourned at 8:15pm.