Regular Meeting – April 26, 2016; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith
& Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Mark called the meeting
order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Chad Knudson of Wild Rice
Depot was present to request the renewal of his 3.2 beer license & off sale liquor license. Greg made a motion to approve the renewal,
Dave seconded it, motion passed. The
clerk signed the required paperwork.
Three gentlemen from Tri
Paving were in attendance as requested by the board to discuss the matter of
finishing the road work within the township.
The clean-up and extension of specific culverts was confirmed, fixing
aprons around mailboxes and remainder of the items on the agreed upon list will
be worked on in the month of May. The sheepsfoot
compactor indentations/pockets on Gorron road that need to be redone was
discussed. Tri City will look at the
road when it is raining to evaluate the level of damage and report back how it
will be best addressed. The crack
down the center of Cook Road was discussed. Tri City shared that the road
section can either be redone or filled with a specific product. They agreed to repair
at least 1200ft of the road. Tri City will make contact with the board via
letter or at a board meeting after assessing all the work to be done and
dialogue further on how repairs will be accomplished.
Mr. Josh Neelan was not
present to discuss his property violation.
There is a scheduled inspection of his property by the planning
commission members on May 9th right before the planning commission
meeting that evening.
Attorney Steve Qualley
working on the Fuchs/Juaire property violation, a letter is being sent
informing them that legal proceedings are beginning to clean-up their property
& assess all legal & clean-up costs to them.
Mark made a motion to have
the clerk send a letter to Jamie Markuson informing him that he has 30 days
from the date of the letter to vacate his property and remove all possessions;
at that time if not done the matter will be turned over to an attorney to begin
the legal process of eviction. Dave
seconded it. Motion passed.
Randy Powers brought up
matter of post fire clean-up on 2 properties in the Barrows. The clerk will
send letters to the property
owners to inquire as to the owner intent and timeline for clean-up of the
areas. Greg will get the specific
address/owner info to her.
Claims were examined by
supervisors and approved for payment.
The two planning &
ordinance changes discussed & approved at previous meetings were brought up
for adoption (full descriptions in previous meeting minutes).
Greg made a motion to adopt
Resolution 2016-01, Dave seconded it.
Motion passed.
Greg Made a motion to adopt
Resolution 2016-02, Dave seconded it.
Motion passed.
Mark made a motion to adopt
ordinance summary of the aforementioned resolutions to be published in the
Brainerd Dispatch. Dave seconded
it. Motion passed.
Randy asked for permission
remove the old swing set near the town hall due to its age and safety
concerns. The board granted the request.
The supervisors reviewed
minutes from April 12th.
Mark made a motion to accept the minutes, Greg seconded it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.