Board of Equalization and Appeals 2016
April 21, 2016
Meeting was called to
order by Chairman Mark Platta at 10:00.
The pledge of
allegiance was recited.
All of Crow Wing
Township Supervisors, Greg Smith, Mark Platta and Dave Schultz were in
attendance. Bob Miller and his team were in attendance from the Crow Wing
County Land Services Department. Township Clerk Susan Amick was present to
record the meeting minutes.
Bob Miller presented
a "Local Board of Appeal and Equalization" fact sheet and
reviewed the calculations with the Supervisors. The details of the fact sheet
were discussed in detail. Supervisors
asked clarifying questions on the figures.
Dave Schultz’s property was used as a visual example of how property is
evaluated & categorized for market value.
After examining Dave
Schultz’s property Parcel # 540281300000009 it was determined that there is a
portion of his property that may be miscatagorized, a current area assessed as “high
wooded” may be actually need to be changed to “low wooded” which has a lower
tax cost. The matter will be passed on
to the county board to look into. Dave
will be contacted with the decision.
Mr. Miller brought two
situations to the board supervisors for approval:
Emma & James Pettit
property (.52 acres), Sheri Vogel power of attorney. Mr. Miller shared the recommendation
to change
the property value from $23,300 to $12,200.
Mark made a motion to approve the change, Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
Bruce Banks on Greenwood
Street. His home was re-measured to get
accurate dimensions at his request. Mr.
Miller recommended a value change from $211,400 – $208,800. Dave made
a motion to accept the change, Greg
seconded it. Motion approved.
Parcel #561050010060009 Sue
Pokovich was present to inquire about a drop in her property value. It was determined
that the value had not been
“COG’d” (common owner group) before. Mr.
Miller explained to her that the county is now being more precise in land
evaluation which is altering values.
Currently the way it is determined is saving her in property tax costs. Ms
Pokovich was assured that her property
will easily sell for a fair price when she wishes to do so & the way it is
currently classified will not affect that.
She was advised as to how to structure her sale with her three parcels
when she decides to do so at some point in the future. Her property (3 parcels)
is worth less
bundled together, but worth more if sold separately.
Brad Arnold was present
with a few clarifying questions on multiple properties. Parcel #5403223003A0009
and Parcel #5403223003B0009. One of his properties appears to require
reclassification. It was also recommended
to Mr. Arnold that he consider applying for managed forest land to save money. Dave
Made a motion to split classify one of
Mr. Arnold’s parcels and take two other parcels and COG (common owner group)
them, resulting in values being refigured for Mr. Arnold. Mark seconded
it. Motion passed. Mr. Arnold
will be contacted by the Land
Services Department with adjusted values.
The meeting adjourned at