Meeting – March 15, 2016; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern; Absent Dave
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Brad Arnold
shared that Justin Barnhart owner of the BMX track was in attendance at the
planning commission meeting the evening before to discuss his plans for getting
a new gate on the entrance. He also
would like to relocate the canopy area elsewhere to make a picnic area. A new
storage shed would be added to the
property and others removed. The staging
area would also be raised. He is in the
process of creating drawings/plans to submit to the planning commission.
Backhoe successfully removed an old, deteriorating abandoned trailer full of
trash and junk from the township at the town board’s directive.
The planning
commission had a public hearing the previous evening and heard a request for
rezoning from applicant Matt Cool to rezone a 46 acre tract from “Rural Residential
10” to “Commercial 2”. Justin
Burslie (planning administrator) along
with the planning commission board is recommending the rezone be approved based
on the findings of fact that were presented to the board & contingent on
approval from MnDOT. Greg made a motion
to accept the rezoning as stated. Mark
seconded the motion. Motion passed. Joshua
Neelan will have a follow-up
inspection on his property by the planning commission (at his expense) as
planned with him this past fall. Jamie
Markuson will be sent a letter regarding the need to submit plans for a
conforming septic system or sanitary system that meets state approval and
driveway plans/permit (cannot be using the ditch to get onto his property) and
build-up of junk on property. An additional
follow-up letter to Lesly Juaire regarding a property inspection this spring
was also discussed.
Susan Kern
gave the treasurer’s report. Supervisors
examined payroll timesheets and claims then approved them for payment.
Greg Smith
was sworn into office as supervisor as required following his re-election at
the March election.
Reorganizational Items were next discussed. Since Dave
Schultz was not present, it was determined to save a number of the items for
discussion until the following meeting on April 12th.
Greg made a motion that the following fees remain the same, Mark
seconded the motion, motion passed.
Title Searches (free unless by mail then $5)
Photocopies: 10 free and .25 plus wages thereafter
Buried Cable Permits
(free) Entry
Permits ($50)
Notary Service (Free at
Town Hall Rental & Deposit (and park): $30
resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250
Use of personal equipment will remain paid at: $15/hr
(minimum of $15 per time)
Greg made a motion to name town depositories as those with which
we currently have accounts: Black Ridge, Crow Wing Power,
Brainerd Savings & Loan, and Mid MN Credit Union. Mark seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
Greg made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed
& presented at the annual meeting with 2 edits. Mark seconded
it. Motion Passed. Greg made a motion to continue with
the three designated posting sites (the town hall as official posting site,
with courtesy posting at Wild Rice Depot and on the Crow Wing Township website).
Mark seconded the motion, Motion Passed.
Greg made a
motion to hold the AWAIR and planning commission meetings on April 12th
at 5:30pm. Mark seconded it. Motion
passed. Greg made a motion to have the spring road
tour meeting on April 23rd at 8am, leaving from the town hall. Mark
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Greg made a
motion for Mark Platta to serve as chairman.
Mark seconded the motion, motion
passed. Mark made a motion for Greg to
serve as Vice Chairman. Greg seconded
the motion, motion passed.
Greg made a
motion to approve the minutes. Mark
seconded it.
adjourned at 8:00pm.