Regular Meeting - February 23, 2016

Regular Meeting - February 23, 2016

Regular Meeting – February 23, 2016; 6:00pm  Crow Wing Town Hall

Board Members Present:  Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern

Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.

Dick Herold from Banick logging was present to request permission to work across the Potlatch road while doing some logging/thinning of trees potentially this spring which could take up to three weeks.  Discussion was had on how to protect the road by putting class 5 gravel down, or to instead repair the road damage that will incur from working.  Mr. Herold had discussed the matter with Anderson Brothers to get cost estimates for repairing any damaged section of road.  Mark brought up the idea of getting a bond for the road, or a letter of credit for $5,000-$10,000 from Banick Logging/Potlatch to insure timeliness of road repair.  Banick/Potlatch will be responsible for repairs.  Photos will be taken in advance of beginning the process.  They will also be responsible for all signage.  It will be up to Mr. Herold to contact Greg in advance of starting the process to let the town board know the dates and road protection/repair plan.  They will be granted a 4 week period once started to finish the project.  If problems arise in completing the project within the 4 week period, Banick/Potlatch will need to contact the town board to communicate about the new timeline.  Greg made a motion to approve Mr. Herold’s request to cross the road for logging purposes.  Mark seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. 

Mark gave a report on the local fire advisory meeting he attended February 17th.   He shared handouts with statistics showing the number of fire runs in the various service districts that the City of Brainerd Fire Service covers, as well as financial statements reflecting payment calculations for the 2016 & 2017 assessments.

The supervisors examined the updated Planning Commission Ordinance Amendment document received from the township attorney’s office.  It was discovered there are still some formatting issues that need to be fixed.  The revisions & updates in the document were discussed by the supervisors.  Mark made a motion to accept the revised amendment document, Dave seconded it.  Motion passed unanimously. 

The magnet order with St. Mathias Township was revisited.  Susan shared the cost information sent from the clerk in St. Mathias Township.  Due to the fact that Crow Wing Township residents are very aware of the program, the board determined we did not need to get magnets to mail out and it would not be a wise use of funds.  Susan will let the St. Mathias clerk know we will not be participating in the magnet order.

Susan shared that the main township computer died and cannot be repaired due to it being very old.  Data loss was discussed and what may need to be retrieved or recreated.  There were a small number of files that will need to be recreated.  Susan will contact MAT to get feedback and also inquire about using the Office 365 Business Plan program and backing up files into the cloud.

The supervisors conducted the yearly audit of the treasurer and clerk bookkeeping for 2015.  The budget was examined and set for 2016.  It was noted that Dave is in the opinion that the amount for donations should be budgeted at $0.00.  It was decided to budget for donations based on the residents at the annual meeting last year voting to donate to a few organizations.

Greg made a motion that the following amounts be presented for the 2017 levy to the residents at the annual meeting in March.  Dave seconded it.  Motion passed unanimously.

Road & Bridge $300,000

Fire Fund $53,000

General Fund $65,000

The payroll and claims were examined by the supervisors and approved for payment.

Dave appointed Randy Power to serve in his place on the Board of Canvas following the March 8 election.

The board examined the minutes from February 9, 2016.  Greg made a motion to approve the minutes, Mark seconded it.  Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.

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