Meeting – February 9, 2016; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Tim Holms
Chief of the Brainerd Fire Department was in attendance to introduce himself to
the board and share that he welcomes open communication between the department/city
and town board. Mr. Holms said the station
is assessing what equipment they need replaced and what they have in the
station right now that can continue to be utilized to save on expenses. He stated
that response times are good and
have not suffered since the changes in the number of full time staff. Dave asked
about the possibility of splitting
the township between Brainerd & Little Falls fire stations. Mr. Holms said
that this could be a
possibility if it is in the best interest of the Crow Wing Township residents
and that response times to various locations should be factored in, as well as
resident insurance payments, etc. There
will be ongoing communication in the future regarding fire service for the
Jerry Eischens
from Crow Wing Estates Trailer Park was present to inquire about the land
conveyance from MNDoT. Greg updated
Jerry and the board that he received a letter that MNDoT now owns the property,
but is awaiting the certificates from Crow Wing County, which will take a few
months. Jerry wanted the board to know
that Crow Wing Estates has the money reserved to pay for the land once the
township has ownership of it and is ready to sell it. The residents in the Estates
are enjoying the
new well and clean water.
Brad Arnold,
Planning Commission Chair gave the report from the February planning commission
meeting. There was a public meeting
to discuss an ordinance amendment referencing MN Statute 462. Planning Administrator
Justin Burslie worked
with the township attorney to make the amendments due to the township working
under an outdated statute. Crow Wing
Township is proposing to amend the land use ordinance to make references to
Minnesota Statue 462 instead of Minnesota Statue 394. The sections proposed
to be amended include:
Section 3.5 – “Enforcement,” 3.11- “General Public Hearing Requirements,” 4.4 –
“Town Board Action,” Article 6 – “Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment,”
Article 7- “Conditional Use Permits,” and Article 37- “Subsurface Sewage
Treatment Systems – Technical Standards and Criteria.”
Due to formatting issues, some clerical problems and
legal question regarding wording in the document the board has asked Justin to
revisit those details with the attorney to be corrected in the document.
The planning commission recommends the town board approve
the amendments to the land use ordinance with the clarification of legal
wording in 914.A and needed format corrections as discussed. The revised document
will be available at the
next township meeting in February.
Susan Kern gave the treasurer’s report. The payroll and bills were reviewed by the
supervisors and approved for payment.
Dave gave the road report.
There is new cracking on Cook Road due to issues with Tri-City not
overlapping the fabric over the center during the construction of the
road. Photos were sent by Dave to board
members and Tri-City (who has not responded). Dave suggested that the township consider hiring an engineer to look at
the problems with the new roads made by Tri City. Greg wondered if we should
contact the township attorney, Troy Gilchrist.
It was decided to wait on the matter until April when roads are clear.
letter was received
from Rob Hall, Assistant County Engineer, stating that discussion will be had
in the near future about whether or not Crow Wing County is interested in
taking over 50th Avenue from Crow Wing Township. They will get back to the board at a later
Mark made the motion to approve June Hunter, Ginny Rogers,
and Susan Kern to act as Township
election judges March 8th, with Kathleen Lordbock being the substitute judge in
case of illness or emergency of an acting election judge. The motion was seconded
by Dave. Motion passed.
Mark appointed Brad Arnold to officially act in his place
the board of canvas on March 8, 2016.
The Annual meeting agenda was approved by the board as
as the 2016-2017 meeting schedule.
Dave made motion to accept the minutes, Mark seconded
it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.