Meeting – January 12, 2016; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Susan Amick
shared that the clerk from St. Mathias Township contacted her to discuss the
letter sent to Rob Hall regarding the possibility of Crow Wing County taking
over maintenance of 50th Ave.
She also inquired if our township may be interested in placing a joint purchase/order
with them for refrigerator magnets with our recycling program info on it to
give to residents. The board requested
more info regarding possible price break down for further consideration.
The Wakefield
property violation was previously taken over by Crow Wing County due to it
being a public health nuisance. The
county is moving forward to have the property cleaned up, garage torn down and
septic system removed. The Brainerd
Dispatch contacted board supervisors about the matter for a news story, Dave
spoke to the reporter briefly.
The land
conveyance from MnDot is still in process.
The new well is working on the Crow Wing Estates trailer park lot; residents
report being pleased.
Brad Arnold
gave the planning commission report from the January meeting. Justin
Burslie sent MnDot a message
about the planning along the 371 corridor south of the interchange. There have
been a number of inquiries as to
if it could be set up for commercial land development use. The MnDot feedback
Justin received was that
they do not have a vision or plan for the corridor and that it is left up to
the township. Discussion was had by the
commission regarding if the township supports this land becoming commercial
zoned. The commission members looked at
varying viewpoints and the future land use map.
It was determined that for the time being, the commission will continue
to hold the current position on the zoning & the matter will be brought to
the annual meeting for discussion and to get feedback from the residents in the
The planning commission also had an applicant attend
meeting to request a rezoning in an area along 371 to commercial to start a car
auction business for car dealerships.
Susan Kern presented the treasurer’s report. Payroll & claims were examined by the
supervisors and approved for payment.
Susan Amick introduced letters from Tri-City regarding
amount withheld from their payment. They
are requesting the amount being held back by the township until work is
finished in the spring be reduced to $4,000.00.
The board has not yet received any response to photos that were emailed
to Tri City in December showing indentations in the road due to their sheepsfoot
compactor. The board directed the clerk
to send Tri City another letter to inquire about the dimples in the road
surface shown in the emailed photos.
Filing for township elections closed today at 5pm. Two notices were placed in the Brainerd
Dispatch during the month of December with the filing period and board positions
up for election (clerk & supervisor).
Greg Smith filed to run for town board supervisor and Susan Amick filed
to run for clerk, both individuals hold these positions currently.
It was discussed that the scheduled township meeting
March 1st must be cancelled due to the 2016 political party precinct
caucus occurring on that date. The board
decided to meet March 15th in addition to the annual meeting on
March 8th.
Linda Schuety brought up that there is a resident in
Crow Wing Estates trailer park who is illegally driving through the ditch to
get access to Weatherbee road. Dave will
look into the matter and get the resident’s address to the clerk to send a
letter requesting this activity be stopped.
The December 15, 2015 minutes were read. Mark moved that the minutes be accepted with
the correction of 2 punctuation errors, Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.