Meeting – December 15, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Eckelman from St Mathias Township was present to discuss their section of 50th
Ave. The county may have possible
interest in or willingness to take over 50th Ave as a county road
instead of it belonging to St. Mathias and Crow Wing Townships. Ms
Eckelman wanted to bring this to the board’s attention to see if there is
interest in Crow Wing Township, and if so contact the county to explore the possibility
and begin dialogue on the matter. Greg
made a motion to send a letter to Rob Hall at the county office seeking
information as to if Crow Wing County has interest in taking over 50th
Ave. Mark seconded the motion. Motion
Excavating was represented at the meeting.
Greg pointed out that there were resident complaints as to some roads
not being cleared until after 2pm, and also that the roads were not cleared
thoroughly down to the road, there was a question as to if the blades were set
down to the road and if blades are being changed regularly. There was discussion
as to type of snow and
the process in which to best clear it. It
was approved by the board that Dave’s Excavating should go ahead and re-clear
roads that need it after the first clearing on snowfall days when it’s
necessary to go back
over the roads again the 2nd day to get more snow/ice off. The board reaffirmed
that plowing should
begin as soon as there is 3-4 inches accumulated, and re-plow as it accumulates
during the snowfall. It was determined
that the route order for removal will remain the same.
Jerry &
Rosemary Eischens were present to update us on the well project at Crow Wing
Estates. They will have the well hooked
up in the upcoming weeks. They hope to
be hooked up to the new well before Christmas or at the latest the beginning of
the year. Susan had taken the quitclaim
deed received form Mn Dot to be recorded at the courthouse today and had some
questions for the board regarding the process which were answered. Susan will
fill out the necessary online
paperwork (eCRV) and revisit the courthouse to finish up the recording process.
Greg read
aloud a letter from the county public health department regarding the garbage
mess on the Wakefield property. Dave
made a motion to send a letter to the county to inquire when the clean-up would
take place, possible time frame. Greg
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Brad gave
the planning commission report. He
discussed the planning board would like to bring up the matter of specific
violation properties at the annual meeting to see if the residents are in
approval of spending township money to clean up problematic properties. Brad
gave an update on several properties:
The property violation of Josh Neelan at 6768 Wilson
Ave was discussed. It was determined
that Mr. Neelan did address the items on the list of things given him by the
planning commission that he needed to complete for clean up on his property,
but not thoroughly. Justin will contact
Mr. Neelan to set up a time for an inspection at the Neelan property with
Justin, Greg and Brad.
The property of Jamie Markuson (10109 Heron St.) was
discussed. It appears there is no one currently
living on the property. There have been
no complaints from residents as to the state of the property. There is a camper,
garbage and other items
remaining on the property. No one is
sure where Mr. Markuson is living at this time.
It was discussed again that multiple old cars are being
brought onto the property of Martin Coppa (9939 Canary St. Brainerd) through
North Central Speedway property. Justin
had received a phone call from a concerned resident reporting the problem, the
town board had been made aware of the problem in November and a letter was
Justin Burslie’s hours at the townhall were discussed. Justin offered to continue his regular
townhall hours on Wednesdays without charging the township. Brad also update
the board on the progress of
the ongoing work on the ordinance change.
Justin had said it is approximately 10% complete. He plans to present
a draft in January and
final version complete & public hearing in February.
Brad reported that at 7006 Holms Ave there is possibly
encroachment of an accessory structure constructed within the Township’s right
of way. There is no permit on record
with the county or township for the structure.
The structure appears to be 15+ years old. Greg Smith will contact Crow
Wing County to
request they investigate the matter.
Planning and zoning finances as well as work hours for
township’s planning administrator were reviewed for the year and found to be
within in the projected budget. Reports
will be created to share with residents at the annual town meeting in March to
show how many permits, heavy permit months, estimates for next year as well as comparisons
to previous years.
Dave gave an update on Tri City’s road work
completion. It was determined that the culvert that
needed additional work & extension will need to wait until spring to be
finished. In the meantime they did some
work on it to allow it to work temporarily until spring. They will also clean
out & put extensions
on several other culverts and do additional work on several driveways. Dave
also presented photos he took of dimples
holding water on the road surface of Gorron, 80th, 70th,
& 75th roads left by Tri City that will need to be addressed.
Mark made a motion to renew the virus protection program
Best Buy Geek Squad support for 2016.
Dave seconded it. Motion passed
The board discussed, approved & signed the contract
work with the county for the March Annual Election, rent the Automark machine,
and print ballots.
The minutes were read and mark made a motion to approve
with the clarification wording of adding "Earl Rucdashel" to a sentence. Greg
seconded it, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.