Meeting – December 1, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
A letter was
received from MN Dot regarding the piece of land the township will be
purchasing to in turn sell to Crow Wing Estates for their new well
location. Mark made a motion that we
write a township check out to Brainerd Savings & Loan for the amount of the
land sale to in turn purchase a cashier’s check for the same amount to be used
to purchase the land as required by MN Dot. Dave seconded it. Motion passed
There was
discussion about the ongoing Martin Coppa property violation. Junk & old
cars continue to be brought
onto the property. Large holes are also
being dug. It was noted that on adjacent
property is owned by Earl Rucdashel; it appears Dale Dillion may be living on it.
Wakefield estate property mess has been taken over by the county health
department and sheriff’s department. So
far the garbage has been scooped up into a pile & weighted down with dirt
to prevent it from blowing around. Susan
will check with the county to see if the garbage will be removed soon.
There was
board and resident discussion on what to do with the township fire service for
2017. Mark had attended the November
Fire Advisory meeting and brought back the budgets supplied to the towns. Mark
made a motion that Crow Wing Township
remain with the Brainerd Fire Department for fire service. Greg seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Susan Kern
gave the treasurer’s report. Payroll and
claims were reviewed, discussed, approved and paid.
Dave gave an
update on the road work done by Tri City. Several of the requested clean-up
jobs have been completed. One culvert
has been picked up, silt fence was removed, but the other culverts still are
full of gravel, or buried in gravel.
Susan will send another letter to Tri City stating the remaining items
to be done, along with a request that they provide a written response to the
township as to when they will plan to conclude the work and set up a final
inspection date with Dave. Mark made the
motion that we continue to retain 5% ($47,345.85) of Tri-City’s original bid of
$946,917.00 until the work is completed
to the board’s satisfaction. Greg
seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.
road report items shared included: Brent
Drive will have some logging traffic occurring on the road this summer due to
logging on Potlatch property. There was
a request to increase the weight of the load, Dave told him the road limit is 7
tons, but invited them to a meeting if they wish to discuss further.
Dave made a
motion to approve the minutes from Nov. 10, Mark seconded it. Motion passed.
adjourned at 9:25pm.