Meeting – November 10, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The brush
has been removed from the right of way on Strong Avenue, the holes in the road
will be repaired by Dave Schultz.
Neelan’s property violation still has not been corrected. He was sent
a letter with a list of items to
be removed and cleaned up.
The board
will be sending a letter to Cassandra Nelson, mail was found addressed to her
in the garbage that has been dumped on the Wakefield Estate property. This situation
has been turned over to the
Crow Wing County public health department.
There was a
resident complaint about Martin Copa hauling junk cars and debris to his
property via the race track property. A
letter will be sent to Cliff Sasker the racetrack owner to alert him to
this. A letter will also be sent to
Martin Copa reminding him he is already in property violation and he cannot be
bringing more old cars and debris onto his property.
Sue Kern
presented the treasurer’s report. Mark
made a motion to transfer $789,763.15 from the Street Improvement fund to the
Road and Bridge fund. Dave seconded
it. Motion passed unanimously. The
supervisors examined the claims and
approved them for full payment with the exception of Tri-City.
Greg made a
motion to retain 5% ($47,345.85) of Tri-City’s original bid of $946,917.00 until
we receive an up to date itemized
invoice listing quantity amounts, as well as their completion of the job by removing
the gravel from the culverts, remove the culvert in the ditch & present a
plan for the removal of the silt fence –
all on 50th Ave as well as removing all lathe & utility flags
from Weatherbee, 50th Ave, & Cook Road, in addition to a final
inspection of the work completed between the contractor and the township road
supervisor. Mark seconded the motion,
motion passed unanimously.
Dave shared
the road report. He had to pick up road
markers/stakes & lathe before he mowed ditches, it was Tri-City’s
responsibility to pick these items up after finishing road construction. Things
that remain to be done on 50th
Ave include: unplugging the culverts full of gravel, removing the silt fence
and removing the culvert in the ditch. There
is a stop sign on Buffalo Creek Road that needs to be straightened, it appears
to have been pushed or hit by a vehicle.
Sheriff’s office will be contacted to request information regarding the ongoing
problem with the semi trailer parked in the right of way at 6440 Estate
Drive. Several letters have been sent to
the owner regarding the matter.
The minutes
were reviewed. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes with one spelling
correction. Mark seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Greg made a
motion that the board not meet on the usual 2nd monthly meeting date
for November. Mark seconded it. Motion
adjourned at 8:20pm.