Meeting – October 27, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Digging and
work continues on the Crow Wing Estates well project. Still waiting on the land
Wakefield Estate mess was turned over to public health department at Crow Wing
County to be cleaned up due to the issue with rodents, animals, etc affecting
nearby property owners.
Dave will
fill the holes in Strong Avenue in early November if the resident who put them
there does not fix them by then. The
individual responsible for altering the road was sent a letter after complaints
were received by the board. If the responsible
party does not remedy the problem as the board requested, Dave our road
supervisor will do so and the township will bill the individual responsible for
the damage.
The Josh
Neelen property violation was discussed.
Dave & Greg did inspections since the last meeting. The list of items
given to him to clean up
and dispose of was gone over. The town board
or planning administrator will send him a letter of the items remaining to be
finished along with noting that a north wood pile remains to be in the right of
way and needs to be removed from it. The
township attorney will be placed on temporary hold over the matter until after
the planning commission meeting in November to minimize legal fees accumulated
against Mr. Neelan.
Greg inquired
with Dave if the sign inventory was updated, Dave affirmed that it is accurate.
The road
report was given by Dave. He has been
looking over the work done by Tri City with the culverts and roads. Tri City
has not been in contact with Dave
and has not finished the work or clean-up which was supposed to be finished by
Sept. 30th. The tractor and
mower will be taken for servicing before winter by Dave.
supervisors examined the time & claim sheets submitted by township
employees and approved them for payment.
Mark made a
motion to approve the minutes from the Oct. 13 meeting. Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
adjourned at 7:00pm.