Regular Meeting September 22, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
The matter of the ongoing well project at Crow Wing Estates was reviewed. The new well is awaiting approval from MNdot
for the land use and a water test. Amy Churchill was present to ask questions and request an update on behalf of the residents
in CWE. Greg will call Jerry & Rosemary Eischens (who lead the CWE committee) to see if there are any new updates on
the project the town board is not aware of.
Brad Arnold reported there is progress at the new highway Big Woods property site (grading, brush removal, tidying of
materials), and there has been some clean up at the Greenwood site with a few small tree plantings. Things have been restacked
and moved around resulting in minor improvements. Big Woods has an Oct. 1 deadline to finish the items they have remaining
on this list. A reminder letter will be sent to them.
This month's planning commission meeting review was shared by Brad. There was a public hearing to rezone a 20 acre tract
from Agricultural/Forestry to Rural Residential. The property is located at 10710 Town Hall Street. The applicant is proposing
to rezone the subject property so that it may be split into two 10 acre parcels. A motion to recommend the approval of the
rezone to the Crow Wing Township Town Board based on the findings of fact was passed by the planning commission. Mark made
the motion to approve the rezone, Dave seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
Wade Tomberlin's property has had some slight improvement. Brad has asked him to continue clean-up and will follow-up
this fall to see how his progress is going.
Greg made a motion to purchase 7 new 2015 Plat books for the township & planning commission. Mark seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
The memorial gazebo in the park was vandalized and broken last week. Randy Powers and Brad Arnold have looked at the
damage to determine what to do. Brad volunteered the materials and his time to repair it before winter.
Two board members have received calls from a resident with a problem with a neighboring dog. The resident reported other
neighbors are also agitated by the dog's excessive barking and aggressive behavior. She has contacted the sheriff's office
regarding the matter since the township does not handle dog issues among residents.
Mark Platta had attended the recent fire service meeting that detailed the restructuring of the Brainerd Fire Department,
resulting in no full time firefighters at the station. He shared the report of cost allocation factors & assessments.
Discussion on response times was had. There will be a substantial savings to townships and cities due to the restructuring,
it is the hope that the safety and response times will not be affected.
Dave gave the road report. The road construction project is nearly done, with driveway work only remaining. A couple
of beavers were trapped around 50th Ave. Dave is half done with the mowing.
The payroll and claim sheets were reviewed by the supervisors and approved.
The September 8, 2015 minutes were reviewed by the supervisors. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes as written.
Mark seconded it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.