Meeting – September 8, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
reported that Ross Bengston’s driveway culvert project has been worked on, but
is not finished. A letter will be sent
to him requesting it be finished by September 22, 2015 or the township will
finish the work and bill him for it.
Randy Powers
reported that the dumpsters have continued to be full come recycling day and it
looks like we will continue to run into this problem. Discussion on getting
another dumpster
occurred. Greg made a motion to add
another recycling dumpster, Mark seconded it.
Motion passed. We will see how
this goes and return it if recycling slows down in the winter months.
Mark Platta
will be attending the Brainerd/Baxter fire service advisory committee meeting
Sept. 9, 2015
Susan Kern gave
the treasurer’s report. Claims were
examined by the supervisors, approved and paid.
Dave made a
motion to move $248 from the Golden Oaks road development fund to the road
& bridge fund (the money was withheld from the original deposit to cover
the cost of sign installation). Mark
seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.
Greg made a
motion to transfer the original $2,000 deposit which had been made by the Golden
Oaks developer to cover road maintenance costs.
It will be moved from the general fund to the Golden Oaks road
development fund to be held for road maintenance until the township takes over
the road. Dave seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously.
Dave cleaned
up the sand washout on the cul-de-sac on the end of Erin Road. A letter will
be sent to the property owner
at 5372 Erin Road to inform the owners that from now on they will cover the
labor & costs by the township if the matter is not cared for by them. The
owner has been sent two letters previously
regarding the situation requesting he take care of the problem himself.
Dave gave an
update on Tri City’s progress on the road construction project and gave the
supervisors a list of areas to go inspect the work for feedback/approval. Areas
of concern will be shared with Tri
reported that the Frontier ditch mower was returned and the replacement (John
Deer) ditch mower is working well.
The minutes
from August 25, 2015 meeting were reviewed by the supervisors. Greg made a motion
to accept the minutes as
written, Mark seconded it. Motion
adjourned at 8:20pm.