Meeting – August 25, 2015; 6:00pm Crow
Wing Town Hall
Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Greg &
Dave shared updates on both private driveway culvert and township road culvert
issues that are in the process of being fixed.
A thank-you card regarding upcoming culvert work was received from
resident Meg Wetherbee by the board and read aloud.
Dave issued
an entry permit to Jamie Markuson for a driveway (10109 Heron Street).
An Erin
drive cul-de-sac resident placed a complaint that another resident currently
has sand/soil run off from their driveway onto the road (about 2 wheelbarrows
full). This property owner has been
contacted in the past by the township requesting they remedy this problem and
take care of any clean-up themselves and if it should happen again and not be tended
to by the owners the township will clean it up and charge the owner for the
costs. The board agreed that road supervisor
Dave Schultz will clean up the erosion on the road and the property owners will
be billed for the work.
A progress
report on the road construction was given by Dave. He has been spending many
hours working with & checking on the construction workers to insure work is
done to specifications. The contract
with Tri City was reviewed by the supervisors as part of the discussion. Road
samples were taken from Weatherbee and
will be taken from Cook & 50th as well which will be submitted
for testing.
The supervisors
reviewed & approved payroll claims & timesheets.
The minutes
from August 11, 2015 meeting were reviewed by the supervisors. Greg made a motion
to accept the minutes as
written, Dave seconded it. Motion
adjourned at 7:20pm.