Meeting – July 28, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members
Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk
Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called
the meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Mark &
Chris Petersen were in attendance to purchase a cemetery plot. The deed was signed
by Mark Platta (supervisor), Greg Smith (chairman) and notarized by Susan Amick (clerk).
Brad Arnold
shared that he received a phone call & letter from Dave LePage, the owner of Big Wood Timberframes who could not be present
at tonight’s meeting to discuss the points he is not in compliance with regarding his conditional use permit. He gave an update to Brad on some work that had been done on the property and said he would submit a letter
to Brad laying out the work he would do and when it would be finished for the board to look over. Brad will get the letter to the supervisors right away and the supervisors will make a decision as to if
Mr. LePage’s plan of action will fit the conditional use permit requirements or not, as well as if it will be completed
in the proper time frame. The supervisors will revisit the matter at the next
The matter
of the culvert on Weatherbee Road that was not placed properly was discussed. The
owner has repositioned it as the board requested, but not to specification. The
board members and Brad Arnold looked over the culvert & determined that the work needs to be redone to prevent future
issues with water, road damage and neighboring properties. Chairman Greg Smith
will call him to discuss the matter and give further specifics as to what needs to happen for the culvert to be correctly
placed. It will be requested that Mr. Bengston complete the project by August
24th, 2015 so the supervisors can review the work and discuss it at the board meeting on August 25.
Greg Smith
gave an update on the MnDot land conveyance process which is now reported to take 6-9 months.
The Crow Wing Estates board is planning to contact legislatures to see if the process can be sped up so they can have
their well installed sooner.
Dave gave
an update on the road repair project. The final contract was signed and will
be in turned in by Dave tomorrow when he meets with Tri City.
A petition
received from Laureen Borden was received. It regards putting a question on the
ballot on the next general election which allows voters to decide if the offices of county auditor-treasurer and recorder
should be elected or appointed. The
petition was passed around to those in attendance for signing if interested and will be mailed back to Ms Borden.
Susan reported
there was an extra recycling day this month due to an excess of people bringing in items and it piling up on an unscheduled
day as a result of the schedule being varied from the 4th of July holiday. Randy
was contacted by a resident regarding the situation that morning (7/18). Randy
needed the assistance of helpers do to the amount being brought in so he asked for it from our e-waste workers who were participating
in an electronics sale in the town hall at that time. Greg made a motion to pay
Randy Powers his regular recycling pay rate and the 2 others workers will be paid a one time claim of $30 each for their 3
hours of work.
The District
8 Meeting & Election date coming up was reviewed and it was determined Mark, Sue Kern, Greg, & Duane will go.
The minutes
from July 14 were reviewed. Mark made a motion to approve the minutes, Greg seconded it. Motion passed.
adjourned at 8pm.