Regular Meeting
– July 14, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick,
Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called the
meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Updates were shared
that the land conveyance from MnDot to Crow Wing Township is underway and the process will take a few months. Susan & Greg contacted MN Association Township lawyer Troy Gilchrist and received the needed information
as to how to transfer the property to Crow Wing Estates so they can put a well on it once Crow Wing Township has possession
of it.
The Dillon property
issue was revisited. A letter had been sent to him by Susan on June 8th
asking him to come in to a June board meeting or call a supervisor regarding the issue of his property violation. Mr. Dillon did not attend a meeting or contact a board member regarding the matter as requested. It was determined by the board that he will be added to the monthly violation billing list, but is welcome
to contact a board member to discuss the matter if he has questions or makes progress on the items detailed in the letter
he received.
Dave shared he heard
from the property owner (Ross Bengtson) with the culvert problem on Weatherbee
Road. He has done some work on fixing it and will contact Dave when he is finished. Dave is checking in on his progress and gave him until August 2nd to finish
the work.
Keith Bachman was
in attendance to inquire about the township looking into fire service coverage options elsewhere and their relationship with
the Brainerd Fire Department. The supervisors reviewed previous meeting info
with the Little Falls Fire Department last month as well as the reason a letter was sent to Brainerd about cancelling the
service contract. The board continues to observe how Brainerd’s Fire Department
will work out expenses, costs etc. It is planned to likely continue service with
Brainerd at the end of our current service contract which is end of December 2016.
Cory Zeien from
the Brainerd Fire Department was also in attendance and addressed some of the questions the board has had regarding cost of
fire services and how having staff in house effects call time both to fires and accident sites.
Mr. Bachman also
asked about minutes being posted on the website sooner. Susan shared that there
is some website technicalities with Tripod (the webs host) due to some conversions & upgrading and there has been ongoing
lock-ups on different parts of the website. Currently the section in which the
minutes are posted is locked up and not able to be edited. Susan plans to contact
Tripod and see how it can be fixed so June minutes can be added to the site as soon as possible.
The board discussed
the position of township clerk opening up when Susan Amick moves. Duane Ruona
sent a formal application for the position. Greg made a motion to appoint Duane
Ruona to the position (when Susan leaves) until the annual election where he will have the option to be on the ballot for
election. Dave seconded the motion. Motion
passed unanimously. Susan and Duane will set up times to begin training and Duane
will be paid the hourly rate of $20/hr during the training period.
Susan Kern presented
the treasurer’s report and the supervisors examined claims, then approved them.
Dave gave the road
report. There were many trees and branches down in the ditches & roadways
due to the recent storm. Dave and Randy have been working on clearing them. There is a resident on Black Bear Circle that has constructed a retaining wall
in their ditch. A letter will be sent to the address asking it be removed and
the area be resloped. The trailer filled with garbage items presumably belonging
to Curt Engholm will be disposed of. Greg will call to have it taken away
to the dump. Mr. Engholm has been sent several letters asking for its removal
and was informed it would be removed by the township if not dealt with in a timely matter.
Tri City has not yet begun work on the scheduled road construction in the township.
The minutes were
reviewed. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Mark seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned
at 7:35pm.