Regular Meeting
– June 9, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick,
Treasurer: Sue Kern
Greg called the
meeting to order at 6:00pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Mike Nieman, Little
Falls Fire Chief was present to share information about the Little Falls fire service.
Response times, costs, full-time & volunteer positions were covered. Dan
Vogt, who formally worked as Brainerd city administrator and now works as the Little Falls city administrator also
helped answer questions and do comparisons between the two departments. The board
and those in attendance had questions for the Little Falls Fire Department staff members.
Joe Schommer, developer
for the Golden Oak development was present to be paid since he has finished the roads there.
The board reviewed the funds, expenses for installing signs, etc. The
balance being held in the fund for Joe totaled $30,276.22 (which included interest).
$150 for inspections and $250 for signs in the Golden Oak development was deducted for a remaining amount of $29, 876.22. Mark made a motion to return to Mr. Schommer the amount of $29,876.22. Greg seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.
Susan gave an overview
of her meeting with Doug Morris regarding the recycling program. The township
will be receiving the same amount in SCORE funds in 2016 as we did this year to run our recycling program ($9,476.00). The idea of having a township clean-up day was discussed and will continue to be looked at during upcoming meetings.
Brandon Sand was
in attendance in regards to the planning commission public hearing that took place the evening prior. Brad Arnold, planning commission chair reported that the planning commission recommends to the town board
that they approve the rezoning of a 20 acre tract from “Agricultural/Forestry” to “Rural Residential 10”,
property belonging to Paul Sand. There was discussion. Mark made a motion to approve the rezoning, Greg seconded it. Motion
The Bigwood Property
on Greenwood Street was discussed. The board and Brad Arnold reviewed the conditions
of his conditional use permit. It was discussed that the supervisors will each
go through the list of conditions while viewing the property and make notes as to what needs to be worked on. The notes from each supervisor will be compiled at an upcoming meeting and a letter will be formulated
to send to him with the work required to be done to keep his permit. The
property along the highway has also received some comments, but due to that property operating on an over the counter permit
not a CUP there are fewer specifics that can be addressed with the owner.
Brad gave an update
on the Gerhardt property and her neighbor Mike Hanson: Mike Hanson talked with
Mike Sullivan to try to purchase 3 of his lots, but 2 are in tax forfeit. Mike
Hanson is working with law enforcement as well with the issue of Lisa Gerhardt camping on the property with her children. Lisa Gerhardt has stated that she is only there temporarily when she spoke with Dave
Schultz. Justin Burslie (planning administrator) spoke with Mike Hanson and explained
the process to him as well as the time frame involved with the township being able to do anything. Brad will contact Mike Hanson to see if there have been any new developments in the situation and will
stop over to visit with Lisa Gerhardt if still needed.
Brad also shared
the request by Justin Burslie to have a drop box at the town hall. Brad had checked
on the one he has and discovered it will not work for the purpose. The idea will
be brought back to the planning commission for further discussion, but the idea is concerning to the board in that it may result in increased vandalism problems.
Two culverts on
Weatherbee Road with possible drainage issues were brought up to Dave, he said he would look over the situation.
The violation status
on the property of Jacqueline Jensen was reviewed. It was discovered that her
property will be going into tax forfeit in November of 2016. The board decided
to wait on clean-up due to the costs involved. The situation will be monitored
and if there are any property tax payments made, the board will pursue legal action for the clean-up project.
Susan Kern gave
the treasurer’s report and also supplied requested information on the CD’s to the supervisors (maturation dates,
amounts, early withdraw penalties etc). Claims were approved and paid.
The position of
clerk was discussed. Susan will gather the job description and duties together
as well as job requirements to have ready for interested applicants. Sue Kern
shared a possible interest in the position.
Mark made a motion
to approve the May 26th meeting. Dave seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned
at 9:20pm.