Meeting – May 26, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members
Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk
Susan Amick
Greg called
the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Dale Lueck and his wife were present at the meeting. Mr. Lueck shared about current
items that were worked on in the state house, senate and with the governor. Some
of the highlights of what he shared include: 13 finance bills have recently been
passed by the house and the senate, but they await to see what the governor does with them.
He shared that he feels another source of funding for MN roads & bridges is very important for our state. Gas taxes are not the long term solution for progress due to having more economic
cars and the future of electric cars. Currently there is discussion on including
the sales tax from car tires, batteries, rental cars, etc in the state road & bridge fund. The house and senate both agreed
to an education bill that the governor will not accept, they are still working on it, even though it passed by a huge margin
in both houses. Money has been put in the agriculture bill to help with the avian virus outbreaks in the state. Discussion on the current education bill and how it affects our district was also covered. He also discussed several matters the legislature dealt with directly related to Crow Wing County. Greg Smith presented the current issue with Crow Wing Estates mobile home’s
well water problem and the struggle they have been having for years trying to be able to get help to get clean drinking water. The question was posed if there is some kind of grant or funding available to them
to get a new well. Mr. Lueck said he would look into the matter further to see
what he could find out. Brad Arnold asked for suggestions regarding how to handle
township clean-up with residents who cannot afford to take in used tires and other waste, which therefore results in accumulation
of these items on their property which results in violations and complaints. Mr.
Lueck shared some suggestions of individuals for the planning commission to contact who may be able to provide ideas.
The rural
fire budget proposal from Little Falls was reviewed and found to cost much less than Brainerd.
The Little Falls fire chief has been invited to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss the information in more detail. The building of a sub station idea was brought up to cut down the response time from
the fire department in Little Falls. Dave made a motion to send a letter of formal
notice to the city of Brainerd that we will be ending the contract with them, therefore giving our one year notice in the
case the board does indeed determine to end our contract of service with them . Greg
seconded the motion. Motion passed. There
was discussion on also splitting the township to be serviced by the closest station.
There has
been no contact from Jacqueline Jensen regarding an agreement with the township to allow clean-up of her property without
pursuing legal recourse. Before getting the necessary legal work done, the board
will investigate if the property is in or soon to be in forclosure. The info
will be shared at the next meeting.
Greg and
Brad drove by the property of Marvin Neisen to see if there has been any improvement, as of yet the problem appears to be
unaddressed. The minutes were reviewed from the meeting in November 2014 when
Mr. Neisen was present and made the agreement as to what would be addressed by him by May 26th. Mr. Neisen will be sent a letter stating that the supervisors have examined the property and work has not
been done to the board’s satisfaction, therefore his monthly violation bill will resume.
Brad shared
he received a call from Mike Hanson who received a letter from the township regarding the need to clean up brush/debris from
the ditch and right of way. He informed Brad that the items are not his, but
belong to Lisa Gerard. Brad told him to disregard the letter and thanked him
for the information. Ms Gerard will be sent a letter regarding the matter.
Brad spoke
with Wade Tomberlin and visited his property. Mr. Tomberlin is living in a new
residence, but will be returning to his home. He has made some changes to the
waste on the property, he moved some items out of site and hauled out about a pick-up load worth of stuff. Brad will be revisiting his property in 3 months, Mr. Tomberlin agreed to this. There are currently no new complaints against Mr. Tomberlin’s property condition. The board decided to continue with the suspension of Mr. Tomberlin’s violation billing.
Dave presented
prices on road repair estimates from Anderson Brothers for Weatherbee, Cook, and 50th Ave. Print outs were given to all the supervisors and Brad Arnold with the specific work proposed for each road. Details were reviewed and discussed in length by the board supervisors and planning
commission chair Brad Arnold. The current township road & bridge fund
and budget were reviewed to determine available finances for the project. The
board determined to move forward with the road repair of these 3 roads. Dave
will gather additional information from Anderson Brothers regarding specific questions from the board.
Oaks is going to be paved sometime soon. Dave is in contact with Tri-City and
has instructed them to contact him prior to doing the work. Dave issued a driveway/entry permit to Lukas Marks for Stone Ridge property.
The supervisors
reviewed the payroll sheets and accepted them.
Mark gave
the cemetery report. He shared that some of the recently placed monuments are
placed incorrectly, therefore interfering with a nearby grave plot. There was
discussion on how to insure proper placement in the future with possible signs.
from the May 12th meeting were reviewed. Greg made a motion to accept
the minutes with the correction of one spelling error. Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mark made
a motion to recess the meeting until next Tuesday, June 2nd to go over specs regarding the road work, Greg seconded it. Motion passed.
ended at 9:00pm.
Meeting – June 2, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members
Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk
Susan Amick
Greg called
the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The board
met to discuss the specifications for the road repairs to go into the bid packets to be sent out to potential bidders who
request them. The road repair needs & specifics were reviewed at length as
well as potential price ranges.
It was
decided to Invite Fort Ripley and St Mathias townships to the next meeting on June 9th to be present when the fire
chief from Little Falls comes to present.
Susan shared
that she will be having to leave her position as clerk due to her husband accepting a job offer out of state, her family will
be moving in the next few months. A new clerk will need to be appointed to take
over her position. Board members will consider names to bring to the next meeting
to discuss as options to contact for the position.
adjourned at 8:15pm.