Meeting – May 12, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members
Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta & Dave Schultz, Clerk
Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called
the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Susan shared
that Carolyn Strong was not present due to medical issues with a family member. Neither
she nor Susan have had communication back from Tad Erickson regarding the FEMA grant for the Safe House. We are still waiting to learn if the mortgaged property can be used towards the grant fulfillment requirements.
Greg shared
the report from Troy Gilchrist regarding the subordinate service district. He
gathered the facts and estimated costs associated with it. Jerry & Rosemary
Eischens were present from Crow Wing Estates. There was discussion about how
a subordinate service district works once created, as well as pros and cons involved.
The process will take several months to establish once begun. The current
situation with their well, how much water is used, etc was shared. Mr. Eischens
will pursue the exploratory drilling for a well. If he finds water and needs
the land for the well, he & the Crow Wing Estate officers will return to speak with the town board about purchasing it.
The spring
violation inspection dates were discussed for this month, as well as new complaints against the following property owners:
Jackie Jensen, Curt Engholm, and Dale Dillon.
Jacqueline Jensen was sent a letter this month requesting she sign an agreement to allow the township to clean up the
property at her expense instead of having the town board involve legal representation to obtain legal paperwork to do so,
in the case of, the legal fees would be billed to Ms Jensen and if not paid assessed to her property taxes. The board wishes to save her as much expense as possible by offering her the opportunity to participate
without legal intervention being taken. Ms Jensen was given up until May 26,
2015 to respond by contacting a supervisor or attending the May 26 board meeting. A
letter will be sent to Dale Dillion who will be given 30 days to clean-up his property.
Mark made a motion to contact Reed’s Backhoe to remove an
abandoned trailer on Strong Avenue. Dave seconded it. Motion failed. Joe Rakow owns the property the trailer is
sitting beside, Dave has talked to him about moving it. Joe is willing to try
to get it moved and work with Curt Engholm on the project. Brad Arnold did a
spring re- inspection at the Wade Tomberlin property yesterday (5/11) and work had been done.
Since progress is being made and there have been no more complaints, Mr. Tomberlin will no longer be billed violation
fees, but the board will continue to monitor his property situation.
Randy shared
some outhouse project suggestions… place it so it is more visible from the road & bolt it down into a slab of cement. It was found tipped over last weekend, posts dug up etc. Greg made a motion to spend up to $200 to properly anchor the outhouse.
Mark seconded it. Motion passed.
Sue Kern
gave the treasurer’s report. She also announced that she has named Ginny
Rogers as her deputy treasurer. Ginny is also the current deputy clerk. The Minnesota Association of Townships approved this, stating the only issue to be
aware of is that Ginny would not be able to sign checks on two signature lines (clerk and deputy) at the same time. The supervisors approved the claims presented.
Dave gave
the road report. He had a driveway permit from Justin Schultz on Libby Lane. Dave received a number of calls from the property owners who were sent letters being
asked to remove branches, debris, objects etc out of right of way or ditches. Progress
is being made. Dave met with Rob Hall to discuss work needed on roads, as well
as Anderson Brothers. Chip sealing is fine for many of the roads, overlay may
work on some. Dave got price quotes from various companies comparing costs for
the two options. The chip seal is half the cost of doing an overlay but does
not last as long. Dave recommended doing the overlay on some of the roads since
it lasts longer. 50th Ave, Cook and Weatherbee are the roads in the
worst condition (in that order). Dave is continuing to consult with others on
what to do on specific roads. Dave will get the detailed work suggested for each
road distributed to the supervisors. He will also work on getting bids to do
the reclaiming work.
The matter
of Dave doing road work for St. Mathias Township was discussed. Information on
how to do a joint powers agreement was reviewed, as well as the insurance coverage details.
Mark made a motion that Dave be able to work with St. Mathias township on 50th Ave for the purpose of the
asphalt application of potholes at the rate of $50/hr . Greg seconded it. Dave made a motion for a friendly amendment to make it $60/hr. Mark accepted it. Motion passed.
Mark made
a motion to accept the minutes from April 28, 2015, Dave seconeded it. Motion
adjourned at 8:50pm.