Meeting - March 24, 2015; 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Mark Platta, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to
the flag was recited.
Chad Knutson with Wild Rice Depot was in attendance
to renew his establishment’s 3.2 liquor license. Mark made a motion
to approve the 2 liquor licenses; one for Wild Rice Liquors and the other for Wild Rice Depot.
Greg seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Susan gave an update on her meeting with Tad Erickson
regarding the FEMA grant/Safe House project. Susan will contact Carolyn Strong
to try to get residents of trailer court at an April meeting, along with grant writer Tad Erickson to have discussion
with the town board to make some decisions and move forward with the project. Tad
will share the details about what remains to do before the grant is finalized and submitted.
The residents from Crow Wing Estates will need to make several decisions regarding the matter.
A card was sent to the Alliance of Concerned Citizens
and was returned stating that is was an unknown address. The card will be kept
on the records at the town hall.
The yearly road tour date was set for April 18th. The meeting will begin at 8am, all are welcome to attend. Anyone interested should plan to meet at the town hall by 8am, and everyone will depart from there.
Randy shared the prices on the toner cartridges he
checked on for the town hall copier. Randy will take it in to be looked at and
determine what needs to be done with it to get it working correctly.
Sue Kern gave an overview of the life insurance
plan the township board members have though MN Association of Townships. It was
determined to remain at the same level as previous years (the lowest level available).
The board affirmed to treasurer, Susan Kern that
Randy Powers should be paid the supervisor meeting rate for serving on the canvass board following the March 10th
election. He was appointed by supervisor Dave Schultz to act in his place since
he would be out of state that night.
Reorganizational Items were next discussed. Since Dave Schultz was not present, it was determined to save a number of the items
for discussion until the following meeting on April 14th.
Greg made a motion that the following fees remain
the same, Mark seconded the motion, motion passed.
Title Searches (free unless by mail) Photocopies: 10
free and .25 plus wages thereafter
Buried Cable Permits (free)
Entry Permits ($50)
Notary Service (Free at meetings)
Town Hall Rental & Deposit (and park): $30 resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250
Use of personal equipment will remain paid at: $15/hr (minimum of $15 per time)
Greg made a motion to name town depositories as those
with which we currently have accounts: Black Ridge, Crow Wing Power, Brainerd
Savings & Loan, and Mid MN Credit Union. Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Greg made a motion to approve the meeting schedule
as printed & presented at the annual meeting. Mark seconded it. Motion Passed. Greg made a motion to continue with the three
designated posting sites (the town hall as official posting site, with courtesy posting at Wild Rice Depot and on the Crow
Wing Township website). Mark seconded the motion, Motion Passed.
Susan Amick shared that she spoke with the 2 township
lawyers (Eric Hedtke & Kyle Hartnett) the previous day (March 23) at the spring training session regarding posting contracts
on the township website in order to get a conclusive answer to Zack Jackson’s requests to post the contract between
Crow Wing Township and NJPA on the website. Mr. Hedtke and Mr. Hartnett stated that since Mr. Jackson was given a paper copy of the contract as well as allowed
to take photos of it, the township had more than met his request for information to be shared.
They said posting on the website was unnecessary and not advised. Anyone
who wishes to see the contract may contact the town clerk about it.
The donations & service for contracts from the
annual meeting were discussed. Mark made a motion to approve the donation amounts
voted on and passed by the electorate at the annual meeting. Greg seconded the
motion. Motion passed. George Burton
was present and requested that the info for donations be made available in the annual meeting agenda or ahead of time in 2016. The board agreed and shared that they are looking at sending annual meeting information
by mail in advance of the meeting next year. There was discussion on how to improve
the flow of the annual meeting for next year. One suggestion from Doug Kern and
George Burton was to have a vote teller/counter, as well as have a more detailed guideline sheet for the moderator.
Greg made a motion to set the AWAIR meeting
for April 28th 5:45pm.
The planning commission meeting will follow as part of the regular meeting. Mark seconded it. Motion passed.
It was discussed that the planning commission meeting
in April will review the matter of Zack Rogers resigning from the PC board. The
board will look at filling the position at that time from a list of interested persons.
George Burton shared that he would be willing to serve temporarily if needed before the position is filled. Mark made a motion that until the selection process is completed, George Burton will serve on the board
interim to make the quorum on the board. Greg seconded it. Motion passed.
Mark made a motion to accept the March 3rd minutes,
Greg seconded it. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.