Regular Meeting
- March 3, 2015; 6:00pm
Wing Town Hall
Board members Present: Chairmen
Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta, Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Greg reported that he spoke with Tad Erickson about the FEMA grant for the safe house. Tad shared that he had to temporarily pause on working on the grant due to other work priorities that had
set deadlines, but plans to be able to resume in a few months. He will contact
Susan Amick when he is able to return to the project.
Susan Kern shared the treasurer’s report. The book
keeping is balanced after an $11.76 error was found & corrected in last year’s CTAS version 7 book keeping program. The new CTAS version 8 being used as of January 2015 has been updated. She also shared that Susie Goodew, our previous treasurer, is interested in purchasing two cemetery plots. Mark will contact her to gather details as well as check on the cemetery plot locations
she is interested in to see if they are available. The supervisors examined the
claims and approved their payment. Greg made a motion to transfer a balance of
$2,659.49 from the General fund to the planning and zoning fund. Mark seconded
it. Knowing that this is to be done for the purpose of starting fresh for 2015,
yet realizing that there have been expenditures in 2015 (approximately $1,500.00). Motion
passed unanimously.
The supervisors reviewed the finalized contract from National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) for our
planning and zoning needs. (It had been discussed in length and decided upon
at the February 10, 2015 township meeting.) Greg read the contract out loud to
all in attendance. All was found to be in order as to what was agreed upon between
the Town Board and NJPA. Greg made a motion to accept the service agreement between
NJPA and Crow Wing Township, Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Zack Jackson’s request to have the contract between NJPA and the Town Board posted on the township
website was discussed further. Zack re-affirmed his request for the third time
that it be posted on the website. The supervisors
decided to wait on a decision and continue to gather information regarding the matter at the state spring training
course for township officers held in March. Zack was allowed to take photographs
of the finalized contract in addition to the physical copy he was given possession of at the previous meeting February 24th. The supervisors emphasized that anyone who wishes to view the contract need only to
ask and they will be allowed to do so.
The agenda for the annual meeting was reviewed and agreed upon for March 10th.
The board discussed inviting some of our representatives to come speak. Josh Heintzeman and Dale Lueck will be invited by Sue Kern and she will handle scheduling them. Susan will be updated with the information so it can be included on the agenda.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes from February 24th, 2015. Greg seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.