Regular Meeting - February 24, 2015; 6:00pm
Crow Wing Town Hall
members Present: Chairmen Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta, Dave Schultz,
Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Mark Platta recently attended the Fire Advisory
Board Meeting this month for our township’s fire services. He presented
the finance report for the 2015 year as well as the 2016 year that the township should budget for at our annual meeting. There is a fire station open house in March for the town board members who represent
the districts they serve to attend to inform us of the services they provide etc. We
will determine who will attend at our next meeting.
The board discussed the proposed hours for Justin
Burslie, our planning administrator, to be present in the town hall building to be available for our township’s planning
& zoning needs. Mr. Burslie suggested Wednesday afternoons 1:00-3:00pm, as
well as by appointment. It was determined to go with this time frame for the
time being and get feedback from residents at the annual meeting on preferred hours.
Zack Jackson requested that the contract between the township and NJPA be placed on the township website. Mr. Jackson did receive a physical copy of the contract at the February 10th meeting. Susan Amick will continue to gather information from Justin Burslie (PZ Administrator) and NJPA regarding
the matter.
Dave gave a road report update. He had sold an entry permit to Joe Schommer.
Discussion was had in regard to the canvass meeting
which will follow the township election. Dave Schultz appointed Randy Powers
to serve in his place on the canvass board that night. Due to him being unable to attend.
The board reviewed the proposed dates for township
meetings. Greg made a motion to accept the suggested dates which follow the usual
2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month schedule with the exception of December due to holidays. Mark seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The schedule will be brought before the annual meeting.
Treasurer Susan Kern presented the payroll and claims
to be approved by the board. The board approved them.
The board audited the township’s 2014 book
keeping. The 2014 budget was examined, the budget for 2015 was discussed and
the amounts to be requested at the annual meeting were determined.
Greg motioned the following be presented for the
2016 levy to the residents at the annual meeting:
Road & Bridge 140,000
Fire Fund
General Fund
Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mark made a motion to accept the February 10 meeting
minutes. Greg seconded it. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 8:25