Regular Meeting - February 10, 2015; 6:00pm
Crow Wing Town Hall
members Present: Chairmen Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta, Dave Schultz,
Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Susan Kern
Greg called the
meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Jesse Ladoux from
JKL Recycling was present to share what his business can do for the township to replace the services of Tate Abersole in collecting
used appliances on our recycling days. He can also take most electronics to be
recycled, as well as some mercury containing items. Mr. Ladoux will now handle
our township’s e-waste beginning in March.
Justin Burslie was
in attendance to share the proposal from National Joint Powers Association to take over our township planning & zoning
needs in place of Community Growth Institute whose contract ended December 31, 2014.
The board members interviewed Mr. Burslie with questions prepared from previous board & planning commission meetings. Mark made a motion that the NJPA Planning and Zoning Service Program Purchase of Service
Agreement be signed by the town board for up to 20 hours per month at $50 per hour.
Greg seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The township will not be billed for time of travel expenses, mileage expenses, or any correspondence with
township staff, elected officials or planning commission members.
Greg shared that
repair is going to be done on 50th Ave by St. Mathias Township who hired Anderson Brothers to do the work. As far as Crow Wing Township’s work on the road, Dave will continue to
patch 50th Ave and look into further work needed in the future.
The board reviewed
the final bill from Community Growth Institute for December’s services as our planning & zoning administrator. Mark made a motion to make the final payment to CGI for their services. Greg seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.
Dave gave his road
report. There is a semi trainer parked in the right of way at 6449 Estate Drive. A letter will be sent to the owner asking it be moved onto private property or will
be towed. Curt Engholm’s trailer is also still parked in the right of way. A letter has been sent previously asking for it to me moved. Another letter will be sent asking for it to be moved, along with a letter reminding him that his property
that is in violation will need to be revisited by the town board members in the spring to inspect what further work needs
to be done.
Greg made a motion
to accept the following as election judges for the March township election: Virginia
Rogers, Karen Rouna, Chuck Nelson and Kathleen Lordbock. Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Susan Kern gave
the treasurer report. Payroll and claims were reviewed by the board and approved.
Greg made a motion
to accept the minutes from Jan. 27, 2015, Dave seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned
at 8:25pm.