Regular Meeting
January 14, 2015
Board members Present: Chairmen Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta, Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Sue Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to
the flag was recited.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss his property
violation. He reported progress has been made and requested his monthly fee be
stopped. Dave made a motion to temporarily suspend Mr. Tomberlin’s monthly
violation charges until his property can be inspected on May 11th at 5pm by Brad Arnold and town board members.
Brad Arnold gave a report from the planning commission
meeting on January 12th. He shared that due to Kevin Vogel’s
request (Safari North Wildlife Park) to possibly apply for a variance on highway 371 to expand his property, the town board
& planning commission will want to contact Tim Moore, interim planning administrator for our township to look into the
matter. He also shared updates regarding National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA)
& their interest in serving the planning & zoning needs for Crow Wing Township at half the price that was previously
being charged by Community Growth Institute. Justin Burslie has been hired by
NJPA to act as their planning & zoning specialist starting in February. Susan
Amick will contact NJPA to ask a representative to attend one of the next two town board meetings to discuss the matter further
and answer questions by the board regarding their services.
Greg noted for the record that her received a call
from Zack Jackson sharing his opinion as a township resident that in his opinion our planning & zoning services should
be returned to the county.
Susan shared she was contacted by Tad Erickson regarding
the FEMA grant for the safe house. He stated that he is unable to finish the
grant and would like to return it to the township. Greg will contact John Bowen
from the county Emergency Management office to get some suggestions then call Susan to share whatever information he gains
prior to Susan meeting with Tad to get the grant application back.
Greg returned the chain saw parts and declined to
purchase it. The township will pay the service bill for $65.62 and the saw parts will be stored in the township shed.
Sue Kern shared the treasurer’s report. There was discussion by the board that the December bill from Community Growth Institute
not be paid at present. Susan will send a letter requesting explanation of the
charges since there were no services rendered, no return of phone calls left at the office or transfer of records.
Strong Avenue was discussed regarding the need to
fill in some holes. A map was reviewed to determine which parts of it have been
vacated and which are not. There is a brown enclosed trailer on the corner of
Strong Avenue & Heron Street which needs to be removed by the owner. Dave
will check into it and let Susan know who to send a letter to if it is still there.
A snowmobile trailer is in the right of way at 10253 Depot Street. A letter
will be sent to the owner requesting it be moved.
Mark made a motion to sign the election contract
with Crow Wing County for the March township election services. Greg seconded
it and it passed unanimously.
The yearly audit/budget meeting was set to follow
the regular township meeting on February 24th to begin at 7pm (after the normal meeting which begins at 6pm).
Susan shared that a resident called to express
thanks & appreciation for a job very well done by the recycling workers the first weekend of January.
Dave will be attending a highway department meeting
January 26th to discuss road conditions (cracks).
A motion was made by Mark to approve the December 2, 2014 minutes, it was seconded by Dave, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55.