Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting
January 12, 2015
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold, Linda Schuety, Dan Lee; Town Board Supervisor: Greg Smith; Staff: Susan Amick, Town Clerk
Call to Order – 6:00pm
Brad called the meeting to order and the flag was
Kevin Vogel from Safari North Wildlife Park was present
to discuss getting permission to be able to serve alcohol (beer) at his business establishment. Brad confirmed that Mr. Vogel needs to get the proper forms filed with the county & state, then come
back to the Crow Wing Township board to sign off on the beer license once obtained.
Brief discussion was also had about Kevin Vogel applying for a variance to Highway 371 for Safari North expansion. Brad will bring up the matter to be discussed at the Town Board meeting on Jan. 13
and if approved given to interim planning & zoning administrator Tim Moore to work on.
Minutes from the December 8th planning
commission meeting were reviewed with minor edits. Brad made a motion to accept
the minutes to the meeting. Linda seconded it.
Note: The minutes are being putting on record without an official quorum
Brad shared his phone conversation with Chris Pence
to discuss the option of the township returning planning and zoning to Crow Wing County.
Mr. Pence said that Crow Wing County would welcome the job, but is unable to meet for a few weeks to discuss it.
It was determined that contact info for Tim Moore
& Brad Arnold will be put on the township website and on the township door for those looking for assistance with planning
and zoning needs.
Brad shared that National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA)
recently hired someone to be their planning & zoning specialist and will be starting February 2nd.. The other towns that Community Growth Institute had served will now be served by NJPA. Prices for their services are half the price of what Community Growth Institute charged. The planning commission board, through Brad Arnold, will formally recommend to the
town board that they investigate the option to work with NJPA and continue to explore what that would look like.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 7:10pm