Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting
December 8, 2014
Call to Order –
6:00 p.m.
Commission: Chairman
Brad Arnold , Linda Schuety
Town Board Supervisors:
Greg Smith, Mark Platta, Dave Schultz
Staff: Town Clerk, Susan
Brad called the meeting
to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Robert & Arlene Jones
were present for review of their conditional use permit for The Farm on St. Mathias.
Parking in the right of way at their events was covered and the Jones’ are taking steps to prevent this in the
future. They will continue to inform those responsible for events of parking
requirements, continue to post “No Parking” signs on the roadside, etc.
Clarification on the progress of the installment of the mound for the private SSTS (septic system) installed. Their goal is to have it finished by June. 30th, 2015. Explanation was provided that the current septic system
currently gets limited use, not a lot of public use. (Porta Pottys are on site for large events.) It was determined
that a certificate of completion of the SSTS will be presented to the planning commission in person or mail by June 30,2015
by Mr. & Mrs. Jones.
Tim Moore was in attendance
to visit with the planning commission and town board members regarding the opening for a planning & zoning administrator
for Crow Wing Township. The history of the reason for creating the position
in 2007 & townships previous work relationship with Community Growth Institute was explained to Mr. Moore. There was a question and answer period regarding the needs of the township in relation to the position. Various options and ideas to fill the position were talked about, including Brad
contacting Chris Pence at the county to discuss possibilities, as well as continued follow-up with the other communities who
were previously served by CGI.
Dave Schultz made a motion
to hire Tim Moore as an independent contractor on a temporary basis at $30 per hour plus expenses. Mark Platta seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The planning committee
and town board will continue to work together, and with Tim Moore as an independent contractor in the upcoming months to meet
the planning and zoning needs of the township residents until the matter can be brought before the Annual Township meeting
in March when the matter can be presented to the residents for feedback.
It was determined that
the next scheduled planning commission meeting on January 12, 2015 will be canceled and the board will merge the following
night with the town board meeting on Tuesday January 13, 2015 to allow for ongoing dialogue regarding the planning administrator
Brad shared the following
Brad informed the
board that Kevin Vogel from the Safari Wildlife Park would like a permit
to serve alcohol. He also inquired about a variance to the highway 371 set back.
The county contacted
Brad to inquire what the township may think about American Peat mining peat moss on the tax forfeited land in the township.
The meeting
adjourned by general consent at 7:50 p.m.