Regular Meeting December 2, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta, Dave Schultz, Clerk
Susan Amick, Treasurer Sue Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Molly & Troy Jordan were present to sign a quit claim deed regarding the property
line. Ginny Rogers acted as the notary. The Jordans were paid $1500.00 for the small property purchase within
the park’s basketball court.
There was brief discussion over the porta potty in the park suddenly missing. Dave
volunteered to contact the owner who lends it to us to check if he took it to be serviced. In the spring the board will
revisit discussion on whether we need one for the park or not during upcoming summer/fall .
Dave made a motion to dispose of the non-funtioning chainsaw which has an outstanding
service bill for $65.62 that needs to be paid. If anyone wanted to pay for the bill they could have the non-functioning
chainsaw parts. Greg offered to pay the bill and take care of the parts. Mark seconded it. Motion
Sue Kern gave the treasurers report, claims were approved and paid.
Dave gave a brief road report.
It was confirmed that all the supervisors will be able to attend the planning commission
meeting on Monday, Dec. 8th to discuss the options available for a new planning & zoning administrator.
Greg made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Mark seconded the motion, motion
passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.