Regular Meeting November 25, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta, Clerk Susan Amick. Absent:
Supervisor Dave Schultz
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Marvin Niesen was present to discuss his outside
storage violation. The history of his situation was reviewed along with progress
made; additionally Mr. Niesen shared his plans for a pallet fence with vegetation
growing on it to be used for screening purposes. It was agreed by the board &
Mr. Niesen that his additional boat be removed from the property. Mark made a
motion to suspend Mr. Niesen’s monthly violation fee until a May inspection of the property can be made (tentative date
May 26th 2015). Greg seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
The board decided that on December 8th
they will join with the planning commission at their monthly meeting to discuss the planning & zoning administration position
with Tim Moore who is interested in the job. The city of Garrison will be invited
to attend as well as they gather information to decide what they want to do.
Greg updated the board on the property lines and
deed for Troy Jordon & Molly Dusbabek Jordan. Paperwork is ready for signatures
and notarization. Susan will work on getting the paperwork finalized, signed
and submitted.
Payroll was
looked over and approved by the board.
The board decided to cancel the 2nd town
board meeting in December (16th) due to lack of agenda items and scheduling conflicts with board members.
Mark made a motion to accept the Nov. 11th
minutes as written, Greg seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm.