Regular Meeting November
11, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman: Greg Smith, Supervisors:
Mark Platta, Dave Schulz , Clerk: Susan Amick, Treasurer: Sue Kern
called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The board reviewed the current violation policies
and ordinances along with the list of those currently receiving monthly violations charges and approved the balances to be
sent into the county auditor for assessment. A letter will be sent to each property
owner on the violation list inviting them to attend the November 25th town board meeting to report any progress
made cleaning up their property , make arrangements with the board for ongoing communication, and set up an on site inspection
as an alternative to receiving the monthly billing fee.
Jerry Callahan’s violation history was reviewed
in detail with discussion on. Greg made a motion that a letter will be sent to
him stating that as voted upon he will no longer receive monthly billings, nor will he be charged for Justin Burslie’s
attendance at the Oct. 28th township meeting, nor for the hours spent by the town clerk researching his violation
history since these items were requested by the town board. Mark seconded the
motion, it passed unanimously. Mr. Callahan’s current violation bill up
through October will remain after reviewing the history of his case and ordinance procedures.
The letter to Mr. Callahan will also state the board will continue to
look into the permitted use for Commercial 2 property along with the regulations
and requirements for those permitted uses.
Anthony clean-up was reviewed and it was determined
that the clean-up will be looked over at the spring road tour.
Discussion over actuary services showed the
need to re-contact with the local funeral homes to be sure they have the township fee information for marking grave sites. Susan will check with former clerk Ginny Rogers as to the history of communication
regarding the matter and proceed to update the information with the funeral homes.
Sue Kern gave the treasurer’s report. Claims were approved and paid.
The board had discussion over how to fill the role
of Justin Burslie as our planning & zoning administrator. Susan will contact
the clerks from the 4 other communities Justin was serving at CGI to inquire as to their plans in meeting this need.
Dave made a motion to accept the rezoning application
14-4312 to rezone a 40 acre tract located at 6535 St. Mathias Road from “agricultural/forestry” to “rural
residential 10”. Mark seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The minutes from the Oct. 28th
meeting were reviewed and a motion was made by Greg to accept the minutes as
written with the correction of two errors, Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.