Regular Meeting
28, 2014
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta, Dave Schultz, Clerk Susan Amick
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Jerry Callahan & Eileen Nass were present
to discuss their property violation. Brad Arnold & Justin Burslie (Planning
& Zoning Board) attended to share information with them. Jerry had met with Justin since the last town hall meeting (Oct. 14th) to go over information
and get clarification. There have been no recent complaints regarding the property
to the Planning Commission or Crow Wing Township. Jerry inquired as to why 1st
Ave in the Barrows was vacated; the board will research the matter. There was
discussion as to the improvements that have been made, what is allowed or not allowed on Commercial 2 property, as well as
what is grandfathered in and the expiration of that period. It was determined
that Mr. Jerry Callahan has made progress in the clean-up requested by the township and in addition has built a fence. Dave made a motion to end the monthly violation charges against Jerry’s property. Greg seconded the motion, motion passed. Susan
will check into the history and timeline of the violation and the board will assess Jerry’s violation bill for accuracy
at the next town board meeting in November.
Brad & Justin presented info about two Planning
Commission public hearings. Greg made a motion to accept amendment 14-4302 to the Comprehensive Plan, Dave seconded, motion passed unanimously. Dave made a motion to accept the ordinance amendment for Application 14-4303 SSTS (Subsurface Sewage Treatment
Systems), Mark seconded it, the motion passed unanimously. Justin Burslie announced
he will be taking a new position working for the City of Nisswa. The town board
and planning commission board will need to make some decisions as to how to fill his duties.
Recycling schedule was discussed; we will look into
getting some workers from St. Mathias & Fort Ripley townships. There was
discussion on the number of staff needed and we will continue to aim for 2 workers on each date.
Dave shared what is happening with the driveway
near the Jensen property on Town Hall Street. An easement was obtained by the
new owner from Potlatch. Dave was able to get the necessary permits for the project from the new owner.
Property owner on Black Bear Circle would like to
build a 2nd driveway. Mark made a motion that owner may add second
driveway, but provide his own culvert. Dave seconded the motion, it passed unanimously.
Dave gave updates on the ditch mower and chainsaw
used by the township. The ditch mower has been traded and a new one purchased
(John Deere 265 rotary disc mower) as per prices determined at previous meeting. The
chainsaw will be sold and replaced. Randy Powers will begin exploring options & prices for a new riding lawn mower for township use.
Letters will be sent to 3 township property owners
asking them to remove fallen trees/brush from their property from the public right of way.
Mark gave a review of the fire advisory meeting
he recently attended.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes of the
October 14thth meeting with clarification made regarding City of Baxter information, adding that Baxter trades
in their mowers every 2 years & our township mower is 4 years old. The
motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:35