Board Members Present: Chairman: Greg Smith, Supervisors:
Mark Platta, Dave Schulz , Clerk: Susan Amick, Treasurer: Sue Kern
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Greg opened with discussion about the need for some
maintenance needed outside the town hall regarding insulation showing. It was
decided that Randy would work on fixing the problem as well as painting the shed door.
Greg shared that Jim will be getting in touch
with Molly Jordon regarding the property.
Linda Schuety introduced the topic of needing to
continue scheduling 2 workers on our Saturday recycling dates or not. Safety
matters were revisited in the discussion. A 5th dumpster was added
this week to help with the overflow issues being experienced. The finances related
to recycling were reviewed and compared to previous recycling plan. Greg will
visit with St. Mathias & Fort Ripley to check with how they may help. We
will continue to review the matter and reassess things at the end of the year.
Rob Anthony was in attendance to share copies of
titles for his vehicles with the board as previously requested. They were reviewed
by the board members. It was mentioned that his fence should be fixed or taken
down. The board will continue to check progress with property clean-up in upcoming
Jerry Callahan
& Eileen Nass were present to inquire about what parcel in their property is in violation. Jerry will contact Justin Burslie, P&Z Administrator, to get exact details. Jerry shared that
he plans to surround the property with fence. The board invited them to return
to the next meeting on Oct. 28 for further discussion. Greg will contact
Brad Arnold and Justin Burslie regarding the matter and request they be present
to address it more thoroughly at the next meeting if needed.
The treasurer’s report was given by Sue Kern. Payroll and claims were approved by the board and paid.
Dave gave the road report: Tim Parker has begun beaver trapping for the township and Dave will work on removing the dams near the
road (west side of 50th). Susan reported sending a letter to Ruth
Olding requesting removal of an illegally parked semi trailer in the right of
way. The end of Erin Road was cleaned
up by Dave, but letters will be sent to property owners whose soil/sand is washing onto the cul-de-sac stating that they should
handle clean-up or future clean-ups by the township will be billed to them. Tractor
part prices and the window repair cost were presented by Dave. He is also working
on replacing the light on the truck. He reported trade in prices for the mower
and the tractor. Greg made a motion to trade in the mower at the price of $3,
738.00, Dave seconded it. Motion passed.
Due to concerns regarding replacement of shoes, bearings, deflector tarp, etc it
can add an approximate cost of $1,500.00 (based on information of the policy of the city of Baxter who trades in their mowers
every 3 years - our mower is 4 years old).
Mark made a motion to approve the September
23rd minutes, Dave seconded the motion. Passed.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:20