Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta, Dave Schulz ,Clerk Susan Amick
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Greg shared that he spoke with Rob Anthony
regarding the good progress in the clean-up project. Greg reminded him
about the need to turn in vehicle titles at the next township meeting on Oct. .
Greg reported having heard from Garrett DeChaine
regarding their cartway petition. The DeChaine’s are currently holding
off on moving forward with the project. The township board will wait to hear
from them and move forward if they decide to pursue it.
Randy Powers and Dave Schulz shared what work they
had done with tree removal from the storm earlier this month. Susan Amick shared
what road ditches the Schuety’s had finished. A few remaining areas were
designated that need to yet be completed; the Schuetys will be asked if they would be willing to clear them.
Jerry Eischens
shared his desire to move forward with the well project on behalf of Crow Wing Estates.
Susan gave him a copy of an email from Brett Stark directing him to contact Richard Munsch to get the permit and process underway. Jerry will meet with
him and report back regarding any help he may require from the township board .
Dave stated that he received a permit request from
the 672 Weatherbee Rd residents to build a 2nd driveway. Greg made a motion to approve the request, Mark seconded. It
passed unanimously.
Dave led discussion on the condition of the township
mower tractor with regard to upcoming repairs, trade-in values and/ or replacement options.
It was determined that continuing research be done on the matter to get best price options and what standard of practice
generally is in regard to length of use, etc. Dave will continue to look into
There was discussion led by Dave regarding
water accumulation in the cul-de-sac on the end of Erin Road due to water run-off from one of the property owners there. Dave
will visit with property owner to try to come up with an agreeable solution to end the problem.
A letter will be sent to the semi trailer owner residing at 6449 Estate Drive regarding the illegal parking of the trailer for
over a year. The owner will be asked to remove it.
There was discussion regarding beaver dams causing
problems on the west side of 50th, and the need to get proactive to avoid spring water problems with the road. Susan will contact Chris Pence at Land Services
to see what help can be given in removing the dams.
The recycling update was given including scheduling
and new employee overviews. The first e-waste (appliance/electronics) recycling
date with Tate Abersoll was a success. The Pollution Control Agency has been in contact with Susan and will be making sure
all the e-waste recycling is being handled properly through Tate. It was reported
that the dumpsters were full for the second time this month before the end of the recycling day. The situation will be monitored to determine if the township may need to add another dumpster
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes of the
Sept. 9th meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 7:45