Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors
Mark Platta, Clerk Susan Amick, Treasurer Sue Kern and Deputy Clerk Ginny Rogers. Absent: Supervisor Dave Schultz
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Brad Arnold gave an update on the progress of updating
the comprehensive plan. There will be a public hearing on this in October. This
information was included in the township newsletter that was sent to all township residents. Brad had also visited the Anthony
property and found that there is significant progress shown. Much of the debris has been cleaned up and other items have been
sorted. Greg will call Rob and thank him for working so hard on this and also remind him that he still needs to bring in titles
for the vehicles that they are keeping. There was discussion about a proposed
plant on the Ray Puetz property and Brad noted that the past month has been the busiest permit month of the year.
Susan had received a call from Garrett DeChaine
regarding the cartway petition that his father and uncle had submitted to the board last month. They were unable to obtain
an easement from any of the other property owners, so they are asking that the town board move forward with their petition.
Greg will call Garrett and make sure that he has contacted all the potential property owners. The DeChaines will also need
to submit a deposit of funds to cover the associated costs. Greg made a motion to have Susan
contact Garrett and let him know that the town board will require a deposit of $2750 for attorney fees to begin the
process. This does not represent the full cost, but enough to get started. The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed
and the motion passed by unanimous vote.
There was discussion on how to clean up trees fallen
in the right of way after a recent thunderstorm. Greg made a motion to hire any
willing laborers who have W-2’s on file with the township to begin the clean-up on township roads from the recent storm. The possibility of renting a chipper will be discussed at next meeting. Brush back on the property and items over 6 inches might be picked up by the property owners.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes of the
August 26th meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously,
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:0