Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith,
Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Sue Kern.
Greg called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Paul DeChaine was present to look into a cartway
from the town board. He stated that he purchased the piece of property in question approximately 25 years ago. It was landlocked
when it was purchased. He has been accessing the property by passing over another parcel. This access has since been denied.
An aerial map was reviewed and it was determined that the shortest access would be from Mahogany Lane. Other options were
reviewed and discussed. Paul will plan to attend the August 11th Planning Commission meeting.
Jerry Eischens was present on behalf of the Crow
Wing Estates Homeowners Association. Susan had obtained information from the state on the excess land acquired for road construction.
They would not be able to give us the property, but could sell it. Discussion followed. It was determined that there is enough
land that was turned over to the township near the right of way that the association could attempt to drill a well there.
The town board will ask MN DOT to mark the property lines and ensure that they will allow the association to bore horizontally
underneath the parcel.
Joe Schommer was present to request a release of
funds from his development deposit to cover the bill from Dale’s Excavating for road construction. Greg made a motion
to release $31,125.00 to the developer which represents the portion of the deposit that was for the sub grade portion of the
road. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Greg had spoken with Reid from Reid’s Backhoe
and he indicated that he will be meeting with Rob Anthony. He also spoke with Rob who said he will present the titles for
each vehicle that he intends to keep at the August 26th board meeting.
Sue gave the treasurer’s report, including
current interest rates from various banks. After reviewing these rates, it was noted that Black Ridge Bank isn’t offering
pledge accounts anymore. Sue was asked to look into this to make sure that we are covered on the full amount that we have
there and to move the cd that is coming due to whichever bank offers the best rate on a money market or 12 month cd. She was
asked to clear any decision with Greg before making a final deposit.
Dave gave the road report. He has been removing
fallen trees and will be finishing the mowing in the near future. He plans to have Rob Hall from the county look at our roads
and make recommendations about what each road needs and when.
Dave made a motion to adopt the attached resolution
authorizing the execution of sub-grant agreement. The motion was seconded by
Mark and passed unanimously.
Greg made a motion to approve the July 22nd minutes
as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at
8:35 p.m.